Historical background:
The main focus of this experiment is to test and see if the amount of moisture provided will affect the growth of a seed. The seed I am using is a cucumber seed. Cucumbers are a warm season vegetable that has been around for at least 3000 years. Originally thought to come from Southern Asia they are now grown on most continents around the world. Cucumbers come in many varieties and are used for slicing and eating and for pickling. They are about 90% water and are usually 5 to 8 inches long but can grow up to 24 inches at times. Cucumbers were one of the foods eaten by the Israelites in Egypt. They have been a part of people’s diet for a long time. Cucumbers actually can be used to cool the body temperature which is where the phrase “cool as a cucumber” comes from. Believe it or
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Cucumbers are usually germinated in greenhouses and then transplanted into the ground 3 to 4 weeks later. Germination is when a plant grows from a seed. Seeds must absorb water in order to become active. The uptake of water by seeds leads to the swelling and breaking of the seed coat and causes plant growth. Most seeds need enough water to moisten them but not soak them. After the seed coat breaks it begins to grow roots and emerges from the ground. If the soil is not moist enough it can deprive the seed from the nutrients needed to grow, which are oxygen, water, and proper temperature. If the soil is too moist it can cause the seed to drown from lack of oxygen and eventually rot. If this happens the seed will not be able to germinate. Seeds need just the right amount of water in order to become active. Cucumber seeds usually germinate in 7-10 days, if the conditions are favorable. If the cucumbers do not have the right amount of water it can cause them to have a bitter taste. the definition of bitter is basically the same as
The experiment was begun by obtaining four 8 oz. Styrofoam cups and punching a hole through the bottom of them. This hole was for water entry or excess water drainage. Moistened soil was packed to the 1/2 full line in the cup along with 3 fertilizer pellets The cups were labeled the following: Rosette-H20, Rosette-GA, Wild-Type-H2O, and Wild-type- GA.(Handout 1) A small wooden applicator stick was obtained a moistened at the tip with water from the petri dish labeled ‘water.’ This was to be able to attract the seed to the applicator in order to place the seed from its original container into
Take the bowl of water and the paper towels. Submerge your hand in the water, then pat the paper towel with your hand, to dampen the towels before planting but not to the point where the towels are soaked. Do this for each group of seeds soaked in the solutions (5).
My lab partners and I performed an experiment that involved placing spinach disks into separate cups of distilled water (dH2O) and 0.2% sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) solution to examine photosynthesis in leaf tissue (Department of EEB, 2015). Discovering that the spinach disks quickly floated to the top of the 0.2% NaHCO3 solution and not in dH2O, we wondered if varied concentrations of carbonation would affect the rate of photosynthesis (PS). We tested this by halving the 0.2% NaHCO3 solution (using equal parts dH2O and 0.2% NaHCO3 solution to make 0.1% NaHCO3 solution). I hypothesize that if the spinach disks are placed in the 0.1% NaHCO3 solution, then they will have a slower PS compared to the disks placed in 0.2% NaHCO3. CO2
The results observed do not correspond with the outcome predicted by the hypothesis. Despite the nature of the subjects of the experiments, no substantial growth was observed. Only one seed of the 36 planted germinated, and it could only survive for a period of a week. The one seed that germinated reach a height of 1.2 cm. Table 1 presents the average growth observed in each quad. Each quad had a total of 12 seeds. No seeds were removed during the course of the experiment.
The purpose of this experiment is to observe the effects of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) on the germination rate of Wisconsin Fast Plants.
In generalization, there are a multitude of factors that could potentially influence the germination of a radish seed. This lab thoroughly exhibits the effect of water amounts on the germination of a radish seed. There is indeed an in-depth science behind the projected results, and overall of the effects water has on the germination of radish seeds, and the growth of plants in particular. Radishes themselves are moisture-loving plants; therefore, it is significant that they receive an adequate amount of water, allowing the soil to be moist, but not overly saturated (Biology Coach, 2015). In general, water is significant for the health of a plant in the way it transports important nutrients throughout the plant. From this point, nutrients are drawn from the soil and used by the plant. Seed germination itself is defined as the process where the seed sprout for growing, and future development into a plant. In order to germinate, the seed must have its essential needs met until it is capable of doing so: water, temperature, and sun. Therefore, during its early stages of growth, the seed will rely upon the food supplies stores within it, until it is large enough for its own leaves to begin making food through photosynthesis (Biology of Plants, 2016). Initially, the process of germination begins with the absorption of water y there seed, therefore, this absorption of water then activates an enzyme that increases
Title: How Does Electromagnetic Radiation Effect the Time it Takes a Radish Seed to Germinate? The independent variable was the microwaved seeds. The dependent variable was the time it takes for the seeds to germinate. Purpose: To observe the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the germination of radish seeds.
The second step of the experiment was to soak the seeds in water overnight. This action was made to prepare the seeds for germination and making them more softer and less rigid. The seeds were placed in a bowl and were covered by tin foil. It was set up on the refrigerator to minimize any outside interference that may come to it. After a full night of absorbing the water, the seeds were ready to start the next stage.
For my seed experiment I had decided to see what the effect of sprinkling salt on a radish seed would be. So for my control group I had set six (6) cherry radish seeds in between a damp paper towel and then closed it within a Ziploc bag. For my experimental I had set it up the exact same way as the control group but I would sprinkle salt on top of seeds before I zipped up the baggie. I sprinkled the salt on the experimental seeds and dampened the paper towel once every day. Each bag was stored in the light and at room temperature (~70° F.)
Purpose: To see the effect of an acid introduced during seed germination, on the length of the plant roots. Also shows how salt can affect the seed germination. Acid can be introduced to seeds during germination if there is acid rain. Knowing the results of acid rain on seed germination will help us understand how to grow pants better, and how to have more successful germination. Salt can be introduced into a seed during germination because salt is put on roads and the salt builds up and can contaminate the soil. Knowing the effects of salt on seed germination will allow us to know for sure if the salt is affecting the plants growth or not.
Growing up, a family friend of ours signed up to become a foster family. I vividly remember it; they would get kids for a few weeks, then they would be gone. They may have only been there for a few weeks, but that's not the only time they spent in the foster care system. The average amount of time that a child is in the foster care system is about 3 years (ABC News). The increasing rate of children in foster care has led me to want to become a child and family social worker to help and protect children from harmful situations.
1. Obtain radish and wheat seeds that have been soaked so that they are beginning to sprout.
After finishing the entire lab experiment, I find that those were the only big problems I had. If I were to improve this experiment, though, I would find a good window ledge, buy a tape measure and have a better object to block the experimental seeds from the sun. Other than these factors, I feel this lab went very successfully and that the results were reasonably accurate.
Before a seed can germinate it must first shed the seed coat, a protective outer layer that protects the seed from parasites, injury, and unfavorable temperatures. Inside the seed coat is the embryo which contains the root and first leaves of the plant, called cotyledons. After the seed coat has been shed the root emerges first so that it can absorb water and nutrients. After the roots have come out of the embryo the cotyledons will follow. Some seeds need certain conditions to germinate and go
The scene I chosen was when Susan visits her old roommate, Anne, and her new husband, Martin, at their home and they have dinner. In this scene, Martin begins to violently sneeze. Susan uses this as an opportunity to take candid photographs of him sneezing. In this scene, Martin is the object of spectacle. He’s the one the audience focuses on, primarily because that’s what Susan is focusing on.