
Cults In Lord Of The Flies

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In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, there were certain groups of cults that were used as a form of control. In the book, cults were mostly used as a form of psychological rule to recruit the people on the island to join one of the leaders tribes. Also for example, verbal abuse was a very common cult in Lord of the Flies, involving Jack constantly putting Piggy down by name-calling him and making him feel dejected. "I got the conch." Jack turned fiercely. "You shut up."Piggy wilted,” (Golding, 8). Nearly all the boys bully Piggy either because of his weight, bad eyesight, his asthma, and his keen intellect. Without realization, the boys started desensitizing Piggy with their distressing behavior towards him. Jack, the cruel antagonist

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