
Cultural Barriers In Appalachian Culture

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Although the Appalachian Region is tied together by the culture the small communities within sparate the region. The region is separated in urban, rural, and mountain areas. Those who live in the urban areas have more opportunities as they are closer to conneting roads. Urban areas also offer more in ways of education and employment. Rural areas prove to be a challenge as connecting roads are few, education is lacking, and jobs are less. As you get closer to the moutainous areas the more poverty and undereducated individuals are. Mountain areas are the roughest areas to live in as they are inhabited by more rugged individuals who still share the same ideas as the early settlers before them; less structure and living alone is best. Just like …show more content…

It is hard for most to be optimist about negative (barriers) things. When barriers start to pile themselves up it can be hard to reach over the mountain in order to start pulling the strengths. It appears the individuals within the Appalachian Region have been able to over come the barriers and challenges. This ability has allowed the Appalachians to succeed in creating a culture with people who are loyal to their region and stand firm in their cultural beliefs. Early Settlers came to this region for a fresh start, cheaper land and to get away from Quacker leaders (mentioned above). Terrain was most likely the biggest barrier as it was rough, full of forest, and caused isolation. As time has passed more barriers have been added; isolation from help, lack of federal funding, lack of education, less jobs,unemployment, poverty, lack of progress within the region, and sterotyping, etc. Several of these barriers tend to fall back onto the other which creates a downward spiral. For example; lack of funding affects the education system which affects employment which in turn affects job creation which creates poverty. “Although unemployment in the region among working-age adults was only slightly higher than the national average of 6.4 percent during the period, it was at least 10 percent in 36 counties”(Scommegna,2015). “"In 25 of the 36 Appalachian counties …show more content…

It takes someone with with good strenths in both person and place to be able to over come barriers and challenges. One area of strength most Appalachians have are strong characterstics; hard working, loyal, determined, independent, pride, individualality. These are all characteristics that will get you over the mountain when facing challenges and/or barriers. The second strength the Appalachian has is a community strong in family ties, togetherness, neighbors who want to help, and loyality to place. In 2004, a survey was conducted by the Appalachian Faculty Learning Community. This survey shared information pertainining to what individuals say about why they are Appalachians; family ties and sense of place. “The importance of ties to family was a recurring theme as respondents shared why they viewed themselves as an Appalachian”(Denham, 2005). “ Family and its associated values were important cultural traits held by those viewing themselves as Appalachian”(Denam, 2005). “A strong sense of place is often cited in the literature as a key cultural characteristic identified in Appalachian persons”(Denham, 2005). These are two of the strengths mentioned

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