
Cultural Capital As An Agent Of Change Essay

Decent Essays

When examining a family’s history it is obvious that the many children have ended up with the same level of education as their parents and ancestors. Children whose parents received tertiary level education normally obtain a qualification from tertiary level education as well. This idea was first questioned by Pierre Bourdieu who introduced the concept of cultural capital. Cultural capital is the skills that a person can use to their advantage in a social situation, especially in education. While observing a classroom children were being dismissed because they did not speak the language, their low cultural capital impacted their learning immensely; however, in another classroom I observed the teacher being an agent of change. Striving to include every child in the lesson depict the diverse range of cultural capital present. These two different situations impacted when the child was present, how the children participated in class and their overall achievement.
Cultural capital is the ideas and knowledge that people draw upon and use as an asset in social situations. As Lamont & Lareau state the idea of cultural capital was introduced in the 1960s by Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist, anthropologist and philosopher. The concept was originally designed to explain why children from certain backgrounds would often repeat their family history in education (Lamont & Lareau). Bourdieu tried to explain the social inequalities in education in during the 1960s in France. Children

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