
Cultural Competence In Health Care Essay

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When researching the topic of cultural competence in healthcare, I decided to write about an article from the American College of Clinical Pharmacy entitled Cultural Competency in Health Care and Its Implications for Pharmacy Part 2: Emphasis on Pharmacy Systems and Practice by Mary Beth O’Connell, Pharm.D., FCCP, Nathaniel M. Rickles, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Jeri J. Sias, Pharm.D., and Eli J. Korner, Pharm.D., M.P.H. I picked this article because it emphasizes the importance of being culturally aware as a pharmacist. In this article, it discusses the negative effects of not being culturally aware, as well as the seven different components of cultural competence. Learning these components is essential, as it will allow healthcare professionals such as pharmacists to understand the benefits of being culturally aware; this benefits both the patient as well as the healthcare provider. The article …show more content…

Different cultures feel different ways toward certain types of treatment, and a pharmacist needs to be aware and keep this in mind when assessing what treatment these patients should receive. Component five ties into this topic as well, and it is “developing linkages in the community” (O’Connell 2009). This ties into component four because if a pharmacist has learned about a patient’s beliefs about health care, then he can suggest options within the community that cater to those personal beliefs; for example, topics on health care can be addressed at religious gatherings. In order to be able to suggest these community events, the pharmacist needs to be involved in the community. Being connected in the community also allows people to become familiar with the pharmacist and build that necessary relationship between the patient and

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