
Cultural Differences In Canada

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Sociology is the study of the way groups of humans interact with one another and the way social institutions such as banks, hospitals and schools act within themselves. In order to understand sociology one must first understand that different societies have different traditions and cultural norms. What is normal in Canada may not be the same for places like Europe or Japan. In different cultures they eat different foods, have different laws and preform different rituals, methods of adornment as well as having different religious beliefs. In society there will always be outliers or people who deviate from the social norm. Through these outliers sociologists are able to help in solving crimes and change the world for the better. Through these …show more content…

Different religions change individuals’ morals and ways they go about their day-to-day lives. Each religion has a different set of morals and sets a different way to show their faith. Christians go to church on Sundays, whereas Muslims pray five times through out the day. The method of practicing the individuals faith also changes they way they behave and interact within society. That being said some people take the religion too far and take their religions to the extreme, killing others and even themselves for their gods. A famous example of this is 9/11 and understanding why the individuals in the planes preformed these behaviours is important. To understand extremists sociologists analyze everything about the individuals and their primary social groups such as their parents, teachers and peers. While looking at these groups sociologists can see patterns in morals passed down from teachers to determine which behaviours are learned and which are unique to the …show more content…

In western society during weddings we see the bride wearing white, whereas in China the bride traditionally wears Red to represent luck for the family and the newlyweds. Rituals define parts of why society is the way it is. Rituals explain why the individuals act the way they do. In a tribe in Burma females wear neck rings in order to elongate their neck. They do this to appear more attractive for the men of their tribe. The fact is that the more rings a female has on her neck the higher the chance of finding a mate. Sociologist would ask what would drive them to want to physically deform themselves in such a painful way in order to win a

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