Furthermore, owing to CoSA being a relatively new practice in the UK the majority of prior research has been carried out in Canada and whilst this is not necessarily a drawback when considering effectiveness, careful consideration of cultural differences must be taken into account when using these results to analyse public
Due the the geographic reason, Canadian culture is often seen as similar to the United States. For instance, language, political beliefs, food, religion and social well-being. I agree that most part of the American popular culture is being adopted by most Canadians because of the powerful media such as movies, films and books are produced by the American. Massey-Leveque, who is a chancellor of the University of Toronto, argued that “ Canada is cultural dependent in its ‘uncritical use of American education philosophy”(as cited in Gasher, M., Skinner, D., & Lorimer,R., 2012,p.196). Hollywood, one of the biggest and most famous film corporations in the world, is devastating part of the Canadian culture. The reason is that by multi-billion
Remote communities such as those in northern Canada consistently experience a shortage of healthcare providers (HCP) including nurses (Place, Macleod, Moffitt & Pitblado, 2014). Due to the cultural and geographical uniqueness of these areas, challenges are inevitable, however, it can be undoubtedly rewarding. Nurses can particularly gain valuable experience regarding the importance of cultural competence and its implementation.Therefore, this paper will discuss the context of northern Canadian communities as well as three challenges and three benefits faced by nurses working there. Considering the populations in these communities are culturally diverse, it is especially essential for the nurses to have the appropriate cultural knowledge and skills in working with these populations. Consequently, we will also explore the definition of cultural competence, other terms used to describe this concept and how nurses can ensure they have the necessary cultural competence to work with these communities.
Culture can be defined as the behaviours and belief characteristics of a particular social, ethnic,
Canada as a just society has changed a lot throughout the years, Canada has and still is a discriminative place but I believe it has definitely improved but there are still changes that need to be made. However,As said Canada has changed for the better andit has improved a lot since her older days, and not everything will always be perfect, a conflict will always arise and maybe we cannot always solve the problem. Canadian identity has been working towards a just society but it has been negatively affected by how they have treated minorities in World War One, with aboriginals in residential schools, the enactment of the War Measures Act in a time of peace and the continued LGBTQ discrimination.
There were three main groups that suffered and struggled through many obstacles and a lot of people setting them back; women, First Nations people, and immigrants and minorities. This prejudice caused a significant negative impact on the Canadian society during the 1920s. In the roaring twenties, many people believed that only white men should be treated with any respect because that was the status quo at the time. The status of women was improving as some women got the right to vote, a woman was elected a member of parliament, and women were now legally considered “persons”, but women were still treated horribly and with little respect or dignity. The First Nations people as a whole were greatly mistreated because of the federal government and the non-first nations, Canadians believed that the First Nations people would be more content, giving up their religion, heritage, and culture and become more mainstream Canadian Christian. In addition, immigrants and minorities in Canada during this time also suffered greatly because of the prejudice against them and the fact that the Canadian government frowned upon all immigration that was not from another Commonwealth country, a European country, or did not involve white Americans.
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Similarly, if a country follows the lead of those around it for the sake of conformity, is it really its own independent, sovereign nation? Canada has been stereotyped as a follower rather than a leader, unlike its neighbours to the south, but when put under analysis this label holds little weight. In the past 100 years, Canada has developed its own unique set of values geared toward peace, freedom, and equality. These values shine through in the way Canada shapes its foreign policy. In such cases as the Cuban Revolution and the Rwandan genocide, Canada has proved itself to go against the status quo in order to do what it thinks is right.
The Federal government is responsible for insuring equal distribution and accessibility of health care services to citizens though they are not the only party that shape the policies of Canada’s healthcare but also the influence of doctors, health professionals, political parties, and businesses are also used (Canadian Stakeholders, n.d., para 2). The 1984 Canada Health Act outlines the requirements that provincial governments must meet. However; since there is not a descriptive list mentioning insurance services in the Act, the insured services in provinces vary creating a power shift (The Canada Health Act, 2005). Provinces also control the licensing of hospitals as well as doctors,
Do you think that the Canada Health Act expresses more strongly values of collectivism or individualism? I think that source in page 90 is showing a little bit of both Individualism and collectivism, i get the idea that is it both because they worry about people that need help. Then they also subtract the fact that some doctors went through a lot to get a doctor's degree. So if the doctor can not charge what he believes his services are worth but instead could get paid a substantially low amount. Unlike people in United States, where most doctors in the States are making from $156,000 to $315,000 in American dollars, where as doctors in canada would only make $146,000 to $213,000 in the American dollars. That is my reasoning behind why it's
Canada’s media industries have played a huge role in the Canadian culture. The Canadian culture has integrated with other countries forming a successful globalization. Many countries including the United States have contributed to the success in Canada’s media industries. The success of globalization between all of the countries was predicted by Marshall McLuhan and ever since his prediction, the world can be depicted as a global village. The global village can be viewed as a tool, a tool that is bringing the world together, despite the different languages, locations, and diverse cultures. With new technologies being developed more often, the communication skills between different countries are very successful. Canada’s diversity in their media and policies has established a global village with people around the world, allowing them to relate to the Canadian culture.
Looking back in Canadian History, numerous black Canadians have taken part in defining a universal and diverse heritage of Canada through numerous achievements and contributions traded by sacrifices of those throughout the years. Is is the actions of these people who have shaped, our national semiotics to become accepting. Building the acceptance through such of protest and perseverance, as they have shaped and continue to shape and develop Canada as a nation. Even though they have gone, they will never be forgotten as their impacts will prosper.
Cultural issues are complicated ones to solve. Sometimes it is even tough to express opinions about them. It is an area where one has had to establish one's bona fides before weighing in. The audience has to be assured that the commentator loves Canada more or at least as much as the next person and is willing to stop at nothing to protect our culture. Trade consultants wanting to mine the cultural field are well advised to have a Can-lit or artistic icon as an immediate family member. Otherwise, they need not even bother hanging up a shingle.
The sociological effects that Aboriginal peoples in Canada face are vast. Residential schools, stripped people of their identity, enforced a cultural genocide, abused (both sexually and physically) children and created an unjust line of intergenerational trauma. Kinship ties, for the majority were lost during the residential school period, sometimes leaving entire communities displaced. The Canadian Government fails to recognize the treatment of Aboriginal peoples during the residential school period and there hasn’t been much done to help those who are affected.
Although Canada and the United States share the same continent, they are divided by their unique ideas and views. After WWI ,Canada broke its ties with Britain and new independent nation was born with a unique culture. This new culture developed through the Canadian citizens. As a Canadian citizen, Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie helped achieve autonomy from Britain and solidify national unity at home. Canadian inventor ,Fredrick Banting ,maintained his culture as Canadian and contributed to the world through his invention of insulin. Many artists, authors, actors , actresses and athletes have played their part in Canadian culture. During the 1920s and 1930s, Canada asserted independence from Britain and the United States to develop
Canada is routinely defined as the exemplar multicultural society with the most diverse cities in the world such as Vancouver, Toronto and Quebec. The concepts of integrity and complexity are being shaped in Canadian society because of its co-existence of different cultures. Indeed, multiculturalism has been a keystone of Canadian policy for over 40 years with the aim of pursuing Canadian unity (Flegel 2002). Accordingly, Canada is generally estimated a country where people are all equal and where they can share fundamental values based upon freedom. Diversity is sustained and promoted by governmental policy, however, there are still racist interactions, which are destructive to minorities integration, especially recent ethnic groups’ arrival (Banting & Kymlicka 2010). This paper will examine challenges that multiculturalism has brought society and residents of Canada.
As global markets grow more organization will benefit from cultural diversity training. This training is used to help the leadership learn about others cultures, beliefs, values, and behaviors that contribute to the development of a culture. My travels to Canada and The Philippines has made me aware of the cultural differences but also to value cultural diversity; therefore, cultural dimensions’ factors will help to compare Canada and The Philippines cultural differences and similarity.