
Cultural Diversity And The Perspectives From Manager 's Competences And Leadership Style

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This essay is in the area of workforce diversity, specifically cultural diversity. The purpose of this essay is to critically examine cultural diversity with the perspectives from manager’s competences and leadership style. Therefore, this essay will critically examine the workforce diversity concept and the implications of leadership, competencies and management. Several of strategies available for managers to deal with diversity in the workplace will be discussed. There are many types of leadership theories and styles, where each of them address cultural diversity in different ways. For this essay, two theories of leadership will be focused on, namely charismatic and transformational leadership. This essay will explore which type of leadership is more appropriate in terms of dealing with cultural diversity. The discussion will also draw upon examples from ANZ to provide supporting evidence. It will be shown from the analysis that ANZ more likely achieves it success by following transformational leadership style. The lessons are that managers of the future will have to be aware of the benefits and costs of transformational leadership style to develop more diverse organization. Workforce is becoming more diverse due to globalization (Podsiadlowski et al. 2013). Gillies (2014) explains that workforce diversity is the heterogeneous and differences among employees in terms of age, cultural background, gender, race, sexual orientation and other characteristics in the

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