
The Impact Of Cultural Encounters On Works Of Art

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The cultural encounters and their impact on works of art Cultural encounter is a way which culture s interact positively or negatively. It's done among civilizations . Culture carries expressions of ideas and identities of other people . That leads us to examine artworks to put an eye on how the impact of different cultures reflect different styles of artworks over ages and civilizations . The cultural encounter stretched carrying unique ideas , tastes, traditions of several races along centuries In addition , the cultural encounter between western civilizations and eastern ones is clearly in artistic objects and of course, the art history help us to make out that artworks. Cultural encounter between Europe and the third world began in the 15th c in a shape of trade .Gradually , it moves from having art objects to military confrontations via when imperialism spread through the east . Europeans were aware of the East 's wealth via Portuguese traders in the 15th and 16th c . At first the contact was mainly depended on exchange of goods and ivory carvings . Then, the contact moved into the era of slave trade. …show more content…

The British forces and the Europeans military race to occupy new territories in the East led to not only occupation but also looting of artworks from the colonies These artifacts were headed to Europe and displayed in museums . Those attempts of looting the heritage is regarded as a rich material for scientists to study civilizations ' identity . They wonder how these primitive peoples of such backwardness produce such sophisticated artworks . They notice that the wide spread influence of Africa "primitive " art on modern western civilization can't be ignored or

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