Thank you for your very helpful feedback on my presentation. But my main argument will not not be the causes of cultural misunderstanding, but "Does and how these cultural misunderstandings impact the decisions in immigration court?" The causes of the cultural misunderstandings are one of the my analysis. I want to clarify the followings:
1. My research problem is - Dose ignorance of the cultural differences impact the credibility findings in immigration judges' decision? or Does cultural misunderstandings impact the immigration judges' decisions? 2. If so, how does it impact the immigration judges' decisions? What factors influence an immigration judges' decisions? - language barrier, perception of foreign culture and personal
During a ceremony in the Mayor’s Office at the City-County Building on Tuesday, Mayor Tim Keller signed a resolution passed by the City Council last week that reaffirms the “immigrant friendly” status the City Council first passed bank in 2000.
the person’s original culture and the culture of his host country. Undoubtedly, an individual is
Globally, the United States has been known as "a nation of immigrants" almost from its inception. Beginning in the 1600s with English Puritans and continuing today, America is a melting pot of culture and ethnicity. In fact, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, immigration was the major source of U.S. population growth. Looking over our 200+ years we find that to clearly be true, with approximately 1 million immigrants coming to America during the 17th and 18th century. Almost 3 million arrived during the 1860s, and another 3 million in the 1870s. In the next four decades, the number of immigrants rose to over 25 million people, most from various European nations, most arriving in New York or one of the Eastern seaports (Damon, 1981). Despite the politicization, as of 2006, the United States actually was the number one country globally to accept legal immigrants into the country, with a current immigrant population of almost 40 million (Terrazas and Batalova, 2009). In fact, the peak of immigration was 1907, when over 1.2 million Europeans entered the country beginning a push towards legislation limiting immigration in the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1924 and the 1921 Congressional Quota Act. These immigrants came for two sociological reasons: the push factor (wars, famine, persecution and overpopulation) and the pull factors (jobs and the promise of freedom). Most came by ship, and a passage often cost the equivalent of an entire life's savings causing many
David Cole's "Five Myths about Immigration," while not a persuasive argument, is obviously a personal issue for the author who believes Americans treat immigrants poorly. He introduces the reader to "Know Nothings," or "Native Americans," who blame every problem in America on the immigrants (Cole 189-90). In the introductory paragraph, Cole attempts to obtain the reader's sympathetic feelings as he writes with great passion when he describes the mistreatment his Irish Catholic immigrant ancestors endured (190). This in turn raises the question of how objective he could remain when presenting his arguments. Coles' attempts to disprove the five
While both Miller and Rose in the Crucible and Twelve angry Men agree that fear is an evident motivator they also differ to some extent. Arthur Miller suggests that fear of power is the most important whereas Reginald Rose is saying that the characters fear the unknown. .
Migrants are effected by the language used to describe them. Researchers have been attempting to prove the how and the why of this statement. To do so they have explored family dynamics, deportation laws, childhood development, language framing, gender neutral language, racialization and criminalization. Scholars in many fields have addressed these important questions. Within Linguistic Anthropology, scholars such as Sarah Gallo (2014) and Hilary Parsons Dick (2011) have explored the role of language in shaping immigrant communities. Within Legal Anthropology and Law reviews, meanwhile, scholars such as Phyllis Chock (1996) and Olivia
College Athletes Getting Paid? Recently, the debate over whether college athletes should get paid has been seriously heating up. In October of 2017, University of Louisville Men’s Basketball Coach Rick Pitino was fired from his job under the accusation of bribery to ensure a top-recruit high school player would come to his team. This led the F.B.I to take a look into NCAA College Basketball.
Post the Civil Rights movements in the United States it is visible the upswing in wars; it went form war to poverty, to war to drug, to war to terrorist. Immigration law is very complex, and as result there is much confusion as to how immigration law works in reality. Most people get confused thinking that because United States is a country built of Immigrants however immigrants have experienced discriminatory process, for example: the Chinese exclusion Act. In which at certain point America wanted immigrants in the country and then suddenly the government does not what them anymore and expulse them of their soil.
For those who seek to come to this country by legal means it is only fair that the nation should be responsive and welcoming. However although it is necessary for the system to welcome legal immigrants to the US it is also very important for the government to battle illegal immigration as well.
The United States has been the land of opportunity for immigrants. It is a place where immigrants from all over the world come to build a better dream and future for their families and leave from poverty, they come with nothing but determination. One thing that every immigrant brings with them is their culture. A person's culture is strongly tied to the country where they grew up. It is tied to their relationship with their family. Many people come to America from so many different places all over the world. For this reason, people call America a melting pot of cultures immigrants are striving for a better future even though when they migrate to the USA they don’t know the consequences they will face and struggle to be successful living in the United States.
6. Describe the way in which cultural differences can act to impede communication between business people of different nationality.
In addition, the level of immigration should also be taken into consideration. The different immigration status indicates the degrees to which an immigrant will accept his or her original culture and to which the settlement culture. The longer they stay in the settlement country, the more they behave like the native population (Rumbout, 1997b). Considering the different immigrant levels among Asian Americans is an efficient empirical method to remove the influence of original culture in order to test the effectiveness of target cultural variables.
Although the issue of immigration policy has been at the center of political debates, largely discussed in the media and newspapers, no one has yet found a solution to this ill-defined problem, that would comply with the America’s core values. While I think the immigration policy does need a reform, the solution to this problem certainly is not a deportation of all undocumented residents.
My essay is about the question, “How are cultural differences effecting the communication and performance of immigrants at the U.S work places”? I always wondered how and what it would be to work as a foreigner midst the domestic people. I am an immigrant myself and closely associated with immigrants who are my family and friends. My husband also works here and there are many of my cousins and relatives who came to the U.S for several purposes and are in different fields at various positions. I saw one of my close cousin, who he himself rose to a successful employer from being an employee, in the U.S. Though currently not employed, but being a prospect employee, I am more curious about the effect of the culture on the performance and communication of immigrants here. All these made me select this question, so that I can get an in depth sight regarding this topic depending on the research findings.
Immigration is currently a hot topic within in the United States government. Currently the United States Congress is fighting to decide the fate of the Dreamers, and the Immigration bill DACA. Like many controversial issues within the government, the Democrats and Republicans are in a disagreement on what to do. Each article, examines a different take on the current immigration reform. Bier’s main argument is that individuals who are contributing to immigration reform are ignorant, that Immigrants are not hurting the American Labor market. The next article, I examined, was written by Eric Cantor; Cantor states that although the parties each have a high stake on the decision Congress makes on DACA, there must be a decision otherwise, the law will remain status quo. Next, we look at Gessen’s article, the main argument is that immigrants should not be looked at valuable or illegal, they should not have to be talented in order to be welcome within the United States. Lastly, Vargas, an undocumented Immigrant, discusses the difficulties of being illegal within the United States, yet still shines light on the positive influences he had throughout his childhood and time in America.