Some of my family norms are the love of many sports such as Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Golf. America norms are choices that are not demanded by specific cultures. I believe they are choices you can make but will not be reprimanded if you do not choose one. Some of the frequent Cultural foods that were eaten with my family growing up as a child were rice and pinto beans. I believe this comes from the different cultures rooted within my family. My culture experiences many misunderstandings of who we are and what we stand for in society. Some examples of police brutality, racial profiling, style of dress, and the slang used when speaking. Historically, racism existed and continues to exist in today’s
American culture has been referred to as a “melting pot.” Different cultures have added their own distinct aspects to society, making America a diverse country. Despite the plethora of cultures, certain norms, mores, and folkways are evident in American society. These ideas are vital to the function and stability of America. They provide guidelines for what is acceptable and not. In virtually every society, there are people who engage in deviant behavior and do not abide by the values that the rest of society follows. Theorists have debated if people are socialized into acting this way and if it is a social or personal problem. The sociological study of culture focuses on norms, mores, and folkways.
Lets start by understanding that cultures are a melting pot of people’s beliefs, language, behaviors, values, material objects, and norms. Norms are written and non-written “expectations of behavior” that govern a certain location, place, or culture (26). These norms also vary from culture to culture meaning what is a norm in the U.S may not be a norm in India. For example, a norm in America would be tipping a waiter after a meal. Another would be acknowledging someone as you walk past him or her, typically done at work or in a public place. In all, norms are folkways, mores, taboos, and written laws that are an established standard of one’s behavior.
What did you learn about your own cultural norms by recording your video in Module 4? Recording my thought about the performing arts was interesting and initially I thought it would be quite simple. However, I never considered how challenging this task would be. The recording required patience and planning.
Did you ever know that every country has different cultural values and norms that may cause misunderstanding among cultures around the globe? Of course, I didn’t really know that till I migrated from my country to the USA. A long time ago, I believed that the world was filled with homogenous societies which are based upon one culture only and that culture must be my own culture which I must follow as the ethnocentric standard to all other nations in the world. But later, I had experienced living in multi cultural communities and different continents around the globe, such as Africa and Asia, where getting involved in other people’s lives is very common. As a result of my experience, I have realized that American cultural values have less
Talking about my culture and society are two different things. What the norm may not be is the norm for me. Today you will get to know a little about my culture, who I am and how society has changed a little bit of my family traditions.
The traditions and social norms in today’s society are still being challenged in many different ways. Those such as religion and sex. Although these are the same from which we’ve read about in the text, they are both being challenged in different ways than the 1960’s. Instead of religion stating that kings rule from the will of God, the will of God, or anything resembling religion, is being taken out of the political systems and schools. Instead of the role of women in any given household being challenged, we’re challenging the right of any male or female to claim the sexual preference of heterosexuality. The twist is that some people (Christians) go around killing those that don’t conform to their standards of sexuality and justify their actions
When immigrant families move into the U.S. the culture shock is significant. Families can easily become overwhelmed by their need to fit in. This is especially true for young children. It is easy for the kids to get caught up in the American way of life, and because of this, the culture can be forgotten. That is why the adults in these families need to enforce their cultural norms on their children, so they can make sure that their culture is not forgotten.
Where do family values stand in today’s world? There is the traditional family that make ends meet no matter what and more common today is the modern family that take divorce like it is no big deal. Kingslover and White give great examples of what a traditional family is like and how the modern family is taking over. The world makes it easy to deplete family values in this day and age but really divorce has been considered for centuries. Divorce has become a regular occurrence and highly prevalent in today’s society, which is focused upon and exemplified throughout the essay “Stone Soup,” whereas, traditional family values and permanent marital status is shown in “Once More to the Lake.”
Individuals may not want to admit that every individual may be ethnocentric in some way. I’m ethnocentric since, my ancestor and grandparents of my parents of my mother and deceased father has established a concrete foundations from an African American and Indian perspective for my life and culture that I’m very grateful to represent. During the duration of my family cultural convolution which consisted of integrating both cultures beliefs and morals to unify one strong foundation as a norm for my generation demonstrate the same morals, beliefs, and values from two cultures. The thing I appreciate is that I have the ability to sustain such a strong strength of belief that my moral stood for greatness for me to become more empowered to become
In the American society, there are many social norms relating to gender. There are certain expectations that both males and females must follow to be socially accepted. These norms and expectations are enforce in children’s lives at a young age. I know for me personally, when I was younger in a family full of boys, I would always hang out with them. In doing so, I would play with nerf guns and wrestler actions figure, what society considers a boy toy. My parents would always tell me that I needed to act more “like a girl.” As I got older, I realized that what my parents told me was stereotypical and that there are no such thing as what is appropriate for a male or female. Today as more and more things are becoming unisex, which means that it
This paper will give a definition of deviance by analyzing the varying types and definition of deviance. Violations of social norms is key to defining deviance. There are three key features within social norms: time, place, and situation, that come together to establish deviance. The relativity of the all of those events combined into one along with who is perceiving the act is what defines deviance Social Norm are informal rules that help govern a society. Norms differ from place, time period, and situations.
“Children are natural born explorers” (Paredes, 2014). They question everything and seek answers to feed their never ending curiosity. As a child, I remember asking my parents what the purpose of school was. I would ask them questions such as Why do I go to school? What happens if I don’t go? and Why was school created? In response, my parents would tell me that school is important because it provides an environment where I can learn, and they would say that without an education, I had no future. They would also say that since all little children go to school, I have to go as well. I never really understood the purpose behind education when I was younger, but nonetheless I continued to go to school and learn and grow simply because going to school, in itself, is considered to be a social norm. Now that I am older, I am able to decipher what the purpose of education is. In fact, education serves multiple purposes. Emile Durkheim and Talcott Parsons both argued that “education is meant to bind members of society together- it creates social unity and solidarity” (Thompson, 2008). While Emile Durkheim proposed this theory, Parsons was able to develop it; he
Families, as units, are extremely complex and vary drastically from one another. A person might be under the impression that his or her own family is nothing special, especially if they are accustomed to their family’s routines. After analyzing my own family through the sociological lenses of an assortment of scholars, it is now clear that it is not as simple as it seems. Sociologically analyzing my family through the divorces that have occurred in my life makes it clear that divorce can have an impact on a variety of family dynamics, such as my parents and their jobs and domestic duties, the amount of involvement they have with their friends and family, as well as my financial dependence on my parents.
My family history is rather unclear and unexplored. I do know that my maternal grandmother was adopted. My paternal side is said to be Italian. I come from an English speaking family. The geographic range is also unexplored and limited to western Pennsylvania. I grew up in the small town of Nolo, Pennsylvania. I can recall moving from one house to another but within the same county. I did change school districts one time. I would consider this to be very stable. Currently, I reside in Indiana county where I grew up. I have been married for six years and have a two year old son that will soon be a big brother. My wife and I built a home within the same geographical location as our parents. My spouse was also raised in a stable nuclear style family structure.
“Family culture is a unique way that a family forms itself in terms of rules, roles, habits, activities, beliefs, and other areas” (“What is family culture?”, 2002). The perception of family is an aspect of family culture; this includes the interactions within the family and with others. Some of these perceptions can be defined as myths. A myth is a belief about someone or something that is believed to be true, but it is false, made-up, or exaggerated (S. Yu, Lecture). There are both positive and negative aspects of believing myths. Believing myths could be very dysfunctional; they can result in negative consequences that disrupt a family and they may also divert our attention away from widespread social problems that affect families. On