
Cultural Reflection : Cultural Continued Reflection

Decent Essays

Cross- Cultural Continued Reflection
The paper is based on the following questions asked by my advisor, Dr. Larry G.Murphy
1.Why not seek understanding of this religious-cultural practice, in this time of cross-cultural learning?
2. In what sense, or for what reason(s) do you name this people as God’s chosen?
3. What is the significance of being a “Gentile?” In the contemporary religious, and interreligious, context, what does Gentile mean?

I was born and raised in Pakistan and moved to the U.S. in August 2013, for my Master of Divinity program at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, IL. I was born into a Pakistani (Punjabi) Christian Anglican family, which makes me a Gentile. This is because my ancestral background is not …show more content…

Pakistan got independence from the British Empire in 1947 and since then, the new country took initiatives of introducing the Islamic principles as the law and jurisprudence of the country, as especially noted in the different constitutions of the country.
On my arrival to the U.S., I got converted as a United Methodist. The word “converted” personally is very problematic for me, if one is referring to one of the denominations within the Christian community. The fact would remain that I am a United Methodist in the U.S., and any time, I step in the territory of Pakistan, I would be an Anglican Christian. The reason being, there is no United Methodist conference, office of the Bishop or congregation in Pakistan, second, the rest of my family in Pakistan is still Anglican. So, my question is: what separates us from the other Christian as who we are called to be? I just have a different caption of my denomination. I use the Islamic salutations to greet other Muslims (Pakistanis), which does not make me Muslim in any respect. Just like covering my head at times during the Christian, Islamic prayers, Sikh and Hindu prayers, is part of my Pakistani culture, I was very open to noticing that my Jewish friends at the Hillel Center during the Rosh Hashanah service had covered their eyes with their fingers. My personal faith in the Triune God is personal to me and I do not trespass any boundary in not respecting to people of other

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