
Cultural Safety In Australia

Satisfactory Essays
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Master of Nursing Science
University of Melbourne
Foundation of Nursing NURS90066
Student Id: 970109
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
Subject Coordinator: Mrs Kristen Bakker
Test Teacher: Mr Thomas Mathew, Mrs Bronwyn Tarrant

In today’s era, cultural safety is the principal subject involved in nursing practice. Culture is defined as a group of people of different origins, values, languages they speak, spiritual beliefs and many more. Unsafe cultural practice consists of any action which destroys or deteriorate the overall health and cultural identity of a person or individual. Many factors which influence cultural safety are cultural, socio-economic, political, historical, emotional, which potentially affect the indigenous Australians should be taken into account by service care providers to provide best …show more content…

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population across different parts of Australia have lower life expectancy than mainstream Australians (approximately 10 years difference in lifespan between indigenous and non-indigenous people). Late diagnosis of disease is the most prominent, with many indigenous people entering the end or terminal phase of illness before it is diagnosed (Williams, 2016). The colonisation of Australia had a catastrophic effect on Torres islander or Aboriginal people. Behrendt, L, (2012) states that in 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip and other 1500 civilians, marines and crew arrived at Sydney. After 10 years of their arrival, Australia’s indigenous population reduced by 90 percent. Three main reasons for this drastic decline in number were violent conflicts between colonisers, the introduction of new diseases and other civilians or non-native population acquire the large proportion of indigenous lands. Moreover,

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