Cultural Self-Assessment
Haley McGuire
University of North Dakota
Cultural Self-Assessment
No two people are the same. Race, ethnicity, gender, and age are all factors that make individuals different and unique. Throughout this paper, I will be discussing my values, beliefs and traditions, how I identify myself, and my attitude on diversity.
Family Values, Beliefs, and Traditions My family is very diverse and comes from many different places. My maternal grandmother came to the United States from England when she was 18 and met my biological grandfather. They lived in Montana on Flathead Indian Reservation. This is where my mother was born and raised. When my mother was in high school, she met my
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I know it is becoming mutual where the mother works just like the father, but I think; as I get older I will practice the same views and beliefs my parents did. This does not mean that I am against the views of feminism; I just believe it is important for children to be raised by family instead of daycare centers. My mother never trusted people to babysit her kids when we were little and her views have rubbed off on me. I define myself as being independent, self-relying, and strong. I have gone through many hard things in my life and I think it has made me to be a strong person. What makes me unique is my independence. Ever since I was in high school, I have taken care of myself and always felt the need to do everything on my own. Because of this, I have always come off a little rough around the edges. I had trouble making friends because I did not trust many people and always thought people had alternative motives. Eventually I have learned to give people the benefit of the doubt and to trust others.
I consider myself to me a female, daughter, college student, Catholic, friend, sister, and a future nurse. From the list of identities above, I think being a student and a friend to be the most important in my life at this time. Every day I go to school and work hard to achieve my goal of being a nurse. Along with going to class, I spend a lot of time with my friends. Being a nursing student is very important to me at this time and I am proud to be at UND.
There are a host of cultural assessment tools available to organizational leaders. Which of these is the most useful to a novice leader? Why? Which is most useful to a seasoned leader? Why? Does the utility of a given instrument vary significantly depending on whether the leader is a novice or a seasoned leader? Why or why not? Does length of time spent as part of the organization affect the utility of a given instrument? Why or why not?
Diversity is an ongoing discussion in day-to-day life. Not many situations occur without diversity having a role. There are a multitude of topics that introduces or involves diversity, to include age, sex, race, gender, ethnicity and so on. Prior to participating in this Diversity Awareness class, I’ve always thought diversity was more geared around discrimination and racism. Through weekly readings and discussions, I have discovered that diversity is much broader than that. There are many countries that are mixed culturally
After completing the “cultural competence checklist: personal reflection designed by T.D. Goode” for the first time, I was not surprised by my results. The results were a reflection of my personal understanding how culture impacts holistic care and my continuous need to improve my care. I have strived to become non-judgmental. I work to not let my personal beliefs and values influence my nursing care on decisions. When I practice this philosophy it provides better patient outcomes and promotes an improved understanding of cultural differences. This also enhances a safe and caring environment. “It is important for health care providers to recognize that care must be individualized and considerate of the cultural. Racial, and ethnic identity of the patients and their families” (Broome, 2006, p. 486) .There is much diversity in the beliefs and practices of the Indian culture and we should grant these individuals complete freedom to practice their personal cultural variations and the religion they choose.
Below, I will discuss the results of a multicultural self-assessment that I took. I will describe a time in which I felt “other”. I will then proceed to explain my personal feelings regarding each. I will discuss a course of action I plan to take as a result of the multicultural assessment. I will develop a counseling identity statement. Finally, I will explain why multicultural awareness and cultural competency are important in the field of counseling.
Diversity is an important and beautiful concept in our society and this essay will prove why. Reasons to support this are it makes each individual life worthwhile, it helps us evolve and become better and it can build closer relationships.
I am a nursing student. I have a great passion for caring for others. My short term goals are to graduate Riverland Community College with my Associate's Degree in Nursing this December. I plan to work very hard and prepare to take my nursing licensure exam at the beginning of next year to become licensed as a registered nurse. I will then transfer to Metropolitan State University to complete my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing.
Both of my parents are native Americans and so are their parents and grandparents, but our family before that arrived from Scotland. My family is known to have been a strong war fighting family with drive that branched off to different locations all over the world.
I am well rounded, independent, and unique. I believe that being well rounded means that you are not just one way or another. It means you have a little bit of every thing. I think that independent means for a person to be out on their own in life. It means to be able to take care of them selves in life, along with other people. I am independent not interdependent. I do not rely on others for any thing. Meaning I do not get help with bills, money, school, child, car, or any other aspect in life. Interdependent means you get help from others or depend on other to do things for you. I think that self serving bias is some thing
When working with individuals from different cultures, individuals informally learn the differences that exist between them and their respective cultures (DeCenzo & Silhanek, 2001, p. 29). Often the word “diversity” is confused with political correctness or human equality but it is the understanding of differences between people and how they interact. Diversity is defined as the quality of being different but composed of distinct elements or qualities (Parvis, 2005, p. 15). Throughout history the United States has been known as the “melting pot,” but this concept was a perception not a reality because the melting pot ended up benefiting only white, prominent settlers. Looking at diversity is observing differences and there are a lot of them. For example, male versus female, religion versus no religion, homosexual versus heterosexual, foreign or domestic, republican versus democrat, Caucasian versus African American, Mexican versus Latino, Cherokee Indian versus Choctaw Indian, poor versus rich; and differences could encompass several more pages. We can deny that differences exist or we can consent to differences while discovering from others the assets of dissimilarity. People must learn, therefore, to recognize differences in others – their backgrounds, customs, and work schedules – and appreciate, even celebrate, those differences (DeCenzo & Silhanek, 2001, p. 29).
It is so amazing now that we know how diversity works and how important is. Before we had a definition or a clear vision of what it is, we probably thought it was nothing more than a bunch of people from different countries in the same place, but it is more than that. Diversity is a rich and beautiful variety of cultures from all around the world, blended in within our society. Every culture in our society, has something new and nice to offer for us to live together in harmony. Unfortunately, this diversity of people and culture is seen by others as a racial problem that is affecting us. In this essay, we will discuss how to approach diversity in an ethical and professional way, also we are going to see how they are both important together.
The first aspect of diversity I chose to analyze is religion. My religion has had a constant and endless imprint on my life. There are many ways that I express my religion. One observable characteristic of my religious identity is my dress and appearance. I choose to dress modestly as a symbol of self-respect. Based on the belief that my body is a gift from God, I also choose to not adorn my body with tattoos. My weekly attendance at church and participation in the choir are other patterns of observable characteristics of culture. A final example of an observable characteristic is service. I choose to give of my time and talents to help others at school, church or in my community. For instance, each Sunday I voluntarily teach a Sunday
From my perspective to increase my cultural competence, I have to learn about other cultures and their ethnic. Because there are a lot cultural that has the same race of people but among those culture are different ethnic. As a helper, I have to avoid trying to label an individual or a group of people based on the media or folk tales. In addition, I have to be confident that I can work with others of different cultures. According to Barden & Greene(2015, p 42) as cited by Bandura, Larson and Daniels, individuals with higher levels of self-efficacy have a tendency to set higher goals and display a greater obligation, more inspiration, more strength and greater purpose; therefore more likely to meet their goals. Furthermore, I have to be aware
“Diversity simply refers to human characteristics that make people different from one another. It includes both inborn characteristics (i.e., primary dimensions of diversity) such as age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, and characteristics that are “acquired, discarded, or modified throughout one’s life” (i.e., secondary dimensions of diversity) such as educational background, geographical location, income, marital status, parental status, religious beliefs, work experience, values, and perspectives” (Bumpus, 2015). This text displays an array of themes surrounding prejudice, discrimination and stereotypes. In this report, these themes will be examined and magnetize them in order to apply the knowledge learned in social
Intelligent. Young. Passionate. I am a self defined person who loves helping others and has many goals. Furthermore, I’m dedicated to creating a better me and consuming as much knowledge possible. I indulge myself within the arts, education, and community service in order to shape a better me.
Independent and determined is what many people say I am. I know why and how I have gained these labels; it has not been easy at all. My home is a family of three: my mother, brother, and I. My mother has been my two-in-one, for she has been the only one to educate me and support me. Because she works so much, I had to learn how to do my homework on my own, and I had to learn to keep my grades and school projects well. I will share some conflicts I have had, yet I will never be able to explain the many lessons I have learned.