
Cultural Values And Their Effects On Their Behavior

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From my understanding, people behave the way they do because of their childhood, culture difference and life experiences. I firmly believe that an individual 's personality and the situations they encounter have important effects on their behavior. Personality traits and attitudes stem from circumstances that left a perception. Behaviors trigger instant decisions and response to intuitions or feelings. Emotions are first perceived from a childhood and images remain. Children encounter bullying, lack of parental guidance, approval, insecurities and/or abuse that they are unsure of how to process. This is why I believe that childhood experiences play a major role in how people behave or react.
Different cultural lifestyles play an enormous …show more content…

People are scared to own their sexuality due to perceptions in fear of condemnation and exposure to public. However, surrounding yourself with love and acceptance is important. A strong support system is can build you up your self-esteem, self-awareness and self-reflection. It can prevent the ostracism/punishment we refrain from committing crimes deemed as wrong by society.
This quotes allows me to grasp that people are not a product of their environment: “Identifying the beliefs that you want to change and understanding how you formed them is enough for you to break free from their clutch and not let them control your behavior. Awareness is like a fire which melts away everything.” Once you are surrounded by positivity your lifestyle changes. It fills you with hope and perseverance to improve emotionally, mentally & physically. Be guarded by acquaintance of like-mined people, who push you to love and believe in yourself. It’s important to make mistakes, receives constructed criticism, be encouraged and provided guidance because life will have their ups and downs.
I’m a firm believer that there is power in word. What you speak shall be. It’s best to speak greatness into your life. Life will have its challenges but we have the strength to make it through trails and tribulations. Your environment should have driven individuals who believe in you and your goals because it would make a difference in how you behave. Peace of

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