
Culturally Sensitive Interventions: A Literature Review

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Kalibatseva and Leong (2014) conducted a literature review to examine culturally adapted or “sensitive” treatments of depression for ethnic minorities. The researchers aimed to (1) review what makes a treatment for depression culturally sensitive (2) review what treatments have already been adapted or tested (3) review what groups are these treatments targeting (4) make recommendations for future interventions. Articles included in the study focused on “culturally sensitive treatments for depression,” mentioned at least one treatment component related to the clients’ culture, and described the adaptation used in the treatment. Prevention studies were excluded from the review. A total of sixteen studies were identified through searching the PsychInfo database. The culturally sensitive treatment samples’ …show more content…

Some studies generated focus groups with stakeholders, interviews with psychologists and other therapy providers on their work with the population of interest, and collaborations with community members to run focus groups to develop culturally adapted interventions. The qualitative data gathered from the interviews and focus groups were either integrated with components of standardized treatments, or be used to re-create current treatment methods using adapted components. Examples include adapting the language, metaphors, and examples used in treatment methods to be more reflective of the clients’ cultural beliefs and values. The characteristics of the culturally sensitive treatments included thirteen adapted CBT studies (81.25%), two studies using behavioral activation (BA) (12.5%), two studies using problem-solving therapy, two providing case management throughout therapy, and two studies testing individual and group interpersonal therapy

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