
Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime Disability Essay

Decent Essays

A disability is any continuing condition that restricts everyday activities as a result to loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions. Mark Haddon has repeatedly stated that his novel ‘The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time’ is “not about disability but about difference”. However, there are many reasons as to why this novel is about difference as a result of disability.

Although never mentioned, Christopher Boone is on the high spectrum of autism. Evidence of this can be seen through Christopher’s first person narration throughout the novel. The narration in the novel is highly influential in the way in which the reader responds to the text. In the novel, the author positions the audiences preconceived perceptions of logic …show more content…

The line emphasises some effects Christopher has as a result of his autism. This gives the reader understanding of Christopher and how he navigates his world with the order and stability. Christopher does not like the colour brown and will do anything to avoid it. In Christopher’s mind, this is totally logical. This highlights that his logic is the only thing he understands. Order and stability is very important into how Christopher lives his life. Without it, he can’t function properly and will cause him to do erratic things. For example, in the beginning of the novel, Christopher is caught in a conversation with a police officer. With the officer getting more and more frustrated, he grabs Christopher. With Christopher unable to comprehend what is happening, it leads him to a sensory overload, there are too many things happening in his mind. This is supported with an analogy describing his sensory overload. Christopher’s order and stability is gone and he does not know what to do. Christopher further goes on and tells the reader he does not like to be touched and as a result, he hits the officer. Order and stability is a vital element in Christopher’s life because without it, his behaviour towards people change. This shows the

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