
Current Grading Practices Used By Many Schools No Not Necessarily Reflect Accurate Student Achievement?

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The first thing I expolored is why current grading practices utilized in many schools no not necessarily reflect accurate student achievement. First and foremost, grading varies from teacher to teacher. So if a student gets an “easy” teacher, grades may be inflated, whereas if a student gets a “hard” teacher, grades may not look as promising. Teacher values and beliefs on education play a major factor in this variance of grades. Consequently, under most current practices where teachers can determine how the will grade students, different teachers may grade the exact same course very differently. For example, one teacher may have different categories of grades carry a different weight (ie, tests might be 50% or homework might be 10%, participation or attendance might factor in), while another teacher might grade strictly on a total points basis. Because of these, and other notable differences, I am pleased to see that schools are utilizing an approach which strives to eliminate extraneous factors and which puts more meaning into the grades stu dents earn (Cox, 2011). Over the years, more schools have shifted to a grading system called “standard-based grading.” This system is exactly as it sounds. Students are graded strictly on their mastery of a given set of standards for each course in secondary school, or for each subject taught by an elementary school teacher. The ultimate goal of this system is for grades to actually mean something to parents, students, and

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