
Current Research Topics Essay

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Current Research Topics

Review of recent issues of the journals discussed above reveal topics of research that are currently receiving attention. "Preventing deaths from pesticide self-poisoning—learning from Sri Lanka’s success, " published in a recent issue of Lancet, highlights a unique danger of pesticide use worldwide. While it is clearly established that pesticides are toxic to humans and pose a significant threat to ecosystems, their use remains common practice for their benefit in crop protection and food preservation and preventing certain diseases. Pesticides are used in 25% of the world production used in developing countries... where 99% of deaths due to pesticides occur" (WHO, 2008). And their impact is devastating:
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(Knipe, 2017)
The article's authors advocate instead for a legislative solution; the legal restriction of hazardous pesticides has had the most positive impact. Factors studied that led to this decision included a study of the rise in self-poisoning suicide rates during the years of Green Revolution when pesticides were heavily marketed and employed. Over time, more and more pesticides were regulated resulting in fewer suicides:
Sri Lanka’s pesticide regulations appear to have contributed to one of the greatest decreases in suicide rate ever seen. Having peaked at 57 per 100000 people over 8 years in the early 1990s, its incidence is now 17 per 100000 each year, a 70% reduction, and continuing to fall. Using regression modelling techniques similar to those use used previously, we estimate that 93000 lives were saved in Sri Lanka between 1995 and 2015. (Knipe, 2017)
Global Health Science and Practice recently published an article on "Preventing Peer Violence Against Children." The impetus for this research is the fact that, "Violence against and among children is a global public health problem that annually affects 50% of your worldwide with major impacts on child development, education, and health including increased probability of major causes of morbidity and mortality in adulthood. It is also associated with the experience of and perpetration of later violence against women" ("McFarlane, 2017).

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