Curtis J Jones Jr. is a democratic member in district four of the Philadelphia City Council. District four includes places like Allegheny West, Overbrook, Overbrook Park Manayunk, Roxborough, Belmont Village, East Falls, and Wynnefield. Jones became a city councilman in 2007. In 2012, he was elected to serve as council Majority Leader. By 2015, Jones won the election. Not only is he Council Majority Leader, but he is also chairman of the commerce and Economic Development, and the Committees on Public Safety. As well as being vice chair for Parks and Recreational, and Cultural Affairs. Befor he was in City Council, Jones went to Overbrook High School. During his college years he went to University of Pennsylvania then transferred to Boston University and later got his masters. …show more content…
had done good things for our city. Jones is a big supporter of good education, huge criminal justices, and also a big advocate for the environment. During the times he was in city council, he has made it a law so that schools can celebrate two Muslim holidays, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Public schools in Philadelphia has has always celebrated Christian or other religious holidays, but never Muslim holidays. Jones has changed this. Furthermore, Jones created the Ban the Box. This law states that it is prohibited for employers in Philadelphia to ask anyone interviewing for a job about their criminal background. This law has made it easier for people with a criminal background to get a job. Jones has prevented thousands of people from losing their homes. He saved all of those people by leading and creating a new public safety
Wayne Williams, also known as Th Atlanta Child Killer still remain as the prime suspect of the killings of more than twenty blacks youths from 1979-1981 in Atlanta, Georgia, although he was only charged with killing two black adults. It all began when a woman came a cross two male corpses hidden under a bush on the side of the road. The first victim, 14 years old Edward Smith was reported missing a week before was found shot with a .22 caliber. The second victim was 13 year old Alfred Evans was reported missing three days before died by asphyxiation. These two gruesome discoveries was only the beginning. These killings went on for 22 months. Milton Harvey, age 14, was also found dead along with two more child victims: Yusef Bell had been strangled, and Angel Lenair was
First, Ms. Bratton herself will testify that she felt no animosity towards Mr. Palmer. Typically, she was out at an open mic night with the intentions of working on refining her skills of comedy. It is not a crime to aspire to better yourself, your honor. It is not a crime to put in the hours, the days, and the commitment for your dreams. Ms. Bratton was putting her entire self into making her mark on the comedy world. Ms. Bratton, didn’t have the time to focus on anything else nor did she. On the night of the incident of April 13th, Jordan Bratton did not confront Preston Palmer, but rather she was out rebuilding her career.
Roger Jones Jr., advised he is an employee of River Oaks Treatment Center at 12012 Boyette Road Riverview, FL 33569 phone number: (888) 660-1472. Jones advised he picked up the victim, Graeme Hill, at Tampa International Airport, (TIA) at approximately 0130 hours. Jones advised when he arrived at TIA, the airport police had Hill detained for causing a disturbance. Jones related they knew Hill was going to River Oaks and held him until Jones arrived. Jones related he arrived at River Oaks with HIll at approximately 0220 hours. Jones said he had gone into the office with Hill, at which point he advised Hill said he wanted to go to jail. He then said to Jones, “If I hit you, I’ll go to jail, right?” Jones related he was able to calm Hill
Larry Darnell Booker, III is an 18 year old African American male who is before the court for disposition. On March 17, 2017, Larry appeared before the Honorable Judge Alotha C. Willis of the Portsmouth Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court charged with gang participation, possession of stolen property and conspiracy to possess stolen property. Larry was represented by Nathan Chapman, Attorney at Law and Artisha Gregg represented the Commonwealth. Prior to any evidence being heard, a plea agreement was reached. Larry pled guilty to possession of stolen property and the other criminal charges were nolle prossed. A social history was ordered and the matter was continued to May 10, 2017. Larry was placed at Portsmouth City Jail.
On August 25, 2017, our client Dawn Vega came to our office for seeking advice on whether she has a legal claim against Russ Jones for her injuries caused by a horse, named Nelly. April 8, 2017, Saturday morning, Vega went to Rodrigo's Stables at Round Rock, Texas with her friends for the horseback ride. There, she met Russ Jones, who is the owner of Rodrigo's Stables. Vega found Jones very friendly.
7/20 at 8:45am worker received a phone call from Todd, Crystal's probation officer. Todd stated that the surveillance officer received information that Crystal is still associating with drug court clients. Todd stated that the surveillance officer went out to the house and Crystal answered. Crystal needed to go pick someone up and would return home. At 11 pm there was no answer at Crystals door. Tood just received an email about Crystal engaging in several relationships with drug court men. Todd wanted to know how important the ACR was that day due to he was going to request an emergency court setup that afternoon. Worker stated that they would like parents to attend, but his emergency court would be more important. Todd notes that Crystal
Two young boys- Darian Johnson and Michael Brown were on their way home from stealing Cigarillos from their local market. they were illegally jaywalking when this police officer, Officer Darren Wilson passed by in his patrol car. “Get the f--- on the sidewalk” The two boys stayed mute, when suddenly the unknown police officer at the time backed up his car. As the car came to a brisk stop, he opened it suddenly and quickly. The door bounced back and closed. The young officer continued to stay in the car but used his hands to his advantage and began wrapping his hands around Brown’s neck. Darian Johnson described it as a ‘tug of war” Brown tried his best to escape, not once did his hands entered the car of Darren Wilson. Wilson fired his gun
A man with a mission to serve, Councilman Kenyatta Johnson represents the 2nd District, which covers parts of Center City, South and Southwest Philadelphia and also includes the stadium area, Philadelphia International Airport, the Navy Yard and the Eastwick, Grays Ferry, Hawthorne and Point Breeze neighborhoods.
MORGANTOWN, W.Va.--Jevon Carter and Lamont West combined for 47 points and No. 12 West Virginia University knocked off Texas 77-62 on Monday night.
When analyzing the case of Randy Jones, it is necessary to piece together the meaning behind each of his actions in order to understand his mental status at the time of the murders. According to the two psychologists who examined Jones, he suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder, APD. APD is a personality disorder actually listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. So according to the Psychologists he does have a mental disorder. This type of mental disorder is characterized by repeatedly infringing on the rights of others; including behaviors such as aggressiveness, deceitfulness, impulsivity, recklessness, lack of remorse and failure to conform to social norms. I agree with the psychologists that Jones does have a mental disorder. Jones killed five women over the course of six years. Society does not approve of killing another human being but rather condemn it, this is a failure to conform to the norms of society. By only targeting women this narrows down his trigger to women. Jones doesn’t just kill these women but he mutilates them afterward, showing an anger or rage that is so strong it continues after his victim is dead. The incident with the police officer contributes to his state of mind during the commission of the crime. Jones was able to elude the police officer, thus displaying his deftness in persuasion and deceit. He was able to remain calm and collected in an extremely when he got pulled over with a victim in his
FS arrived to (client) Quinton Garrett's home to discuss and improve Quinton's behavior and progression towards his goals. Mom informs FS Quinton has no medicine at the time. FS asked mom to see one of Quinton's medicine bottles. FS observed the date it was filled and the date of the conversation, did not look as if Quinton should need any more medicine. Mom tells FS, FS needs to set Quinton a doctor's appointment. FS informed mom, FS did not mind take them to Quinton's appointment for observation purposes, however Mom could at least set the appointment. Mom becomes loud and agitated, saying mean inappropriate things. She also tells Quinton to remind FS to set an appointment for Quinton. She also points out Quinton rash he had a few months
Brock ‘s probation officer occupation researched the offender's background as far back into the past as possible, and attempt to create a sentence for him to present to the court based on that information. (Turner, 2016). The probation officer knew the case was Brock’s first offense and fought to get him a lesser sentence by adding about his swimmer scholarship, he had to surrender, how he was less intoxicated than the victim was, as well how young he is at only eighteen years old during the court trial (Turner, 2016). The probation officer did a great job in being there for his client and in hopes to get Brock’s life back on track in the right direction.
James joined the agency in 1991at age 23 working as a Correctional Officer with the Division of Prisons. In 1997 he promoted to Intensive Surveillance Officer with the Division of Community Corrections. While working with our agency, he studied at Mount Olive College and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration in 2003. As a result of his hard work, James quickly promoted to Probation Officer I, and in 2004 promoted to Probation Officer II. As his career progressed, he experienced the privilege of working with a Mental Health Treatment Court where James first experienced evidence based supervision. This was a pivotal point in James’ career where he began to value the importance evidence based principles. During
Maurice was born and reared in Mississippi. He graduated with honors from Jackson State University in 1986 with a degree in Mass Communications.
In the 1970’s, when the dark skinned people didn’t fit in yet, when there was still so much discrimination and segregation going on, and when the “American Dream” was barely getting realized as a lie, Jim Jones was there to save those people in trouble. Unfortunately, he did not end up being much of a hero but more of a psychopath. He provided a sense of leadership to those who wanted something or someone to follow. People in the 1970’s were still struggling to fight for justice and equality, and Jim Jones wanted to fight with them. Nobody would have ever imagined that someone who seemed to have all the right intentions, someone who took in the homeless, who cared for the elderly, fought for equality, and many more “good things”, would cause “the largest mass suicide in modern history” (Nelson, Jonestown).