Gestures that were used during this speech were some facial expressions one at 1:10 in the video he raised his eyebrows when talking about how his self confidence grew. He also paced back and forth during separate parts of his speech to reassure that he got everyone in the audience attention despite where they were sitting. Cutts' also used hand gestures all throughout the speech to go along with the words he was saying and how much emphasis he was putting into certain words.
Gestures: A lively and animated teaching style captures students’ attention, makes the material more interesting, and facilitates learning. Head nods also communicate positive reinforcement to students and indicate that you are listening.
He rarely made eye contact with his audience or looked down but gave occasional glances over their heads. If Reagan’s speech was fully memorized, he would have enabled himself to better eye contact with with the audience. Also, since Reagan was behind a podium, he came across a bit stiff. This would have been better received if he had used some hand gestures to express his inner thoughts and feelings.
He speaks with great passion, intention, and dramatic pauses to keep the audience interested in his every word. His tone of voice and diction conveys the message of this powerful speech to his audience. The dramatic hand gestures also attribute to his passion for the topic, and a notable example of this occurs during the following line. “They don't know your heart. I do. I've seen it. You have shown it to me. You have shown this coaching staff, your teammates. You have shown yourselves just exactly who you are in here” (Bige0980). First, he points to the team in the middle of the line, and then he beats his hand against his chest at the line’s conclusion. It can be interpreted that he is gesturing to his heart’s connection with his players’ hearts. His eye contact with the entire audience also alludes to his personal relationship with each individual player, as well as his fellow coaches. These aspects allow him to connect to the audience in this influential
Another way Hitler was able to captivate his audiences was through his gestures. Gestures are extremely important to creating emphasis during different parts of the speech. Patrick Mott said it best, "Take away the dictator’s ability to punctuate his speech with his hands and arms and you’re left with a frothing, sputtering caricature flopping around behind the lectern like a beached shark – not exactly the object of blind, hypnotized devotion" (Mott). Every good speaker needs gestures to make their speech more memorable. The speaker uses gestures to appeal to the emotions, or ethos, of their audience to make the audience excited to listen to what the speaker is saying. Gestures have been used just about all over the world, from daily conversations to mass rallies, to emphasize important and key information that a speaker wants his or her audience to remember.
Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was a hearing minister that designed American Sign Language, which is the first language used by deaf and hearing people in the United States and Canada. Two thousand hundred million people are using ASL, and at least five thousand hundred people are using it as their most important way of communication. Throughout a period, Deaf people in America were already using sign language, in the early 1800’s; Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet had become friends with a young Deaf girl named Alice. Gallaudet started to teach the girl a few words, and succeeded at doing so. In 1815, Gallaudet went to Europe in search of methods of teaching the Deaf. He approached a number of program directors, the signs used at the school for the deaf, and the signs began to develop into American Sign Language. American Sign Language in America also has
One of the most noticeable things Donald Trump did during the debate was his hand gestures. He kept moving his hands off to the side or up and down while he was making points. It did not feel insulting as if he were to point at and accuse the crowd but it was not as calm as Hillary Clinton's hand gestures. She would make a loose, sideways fist with her thumb resting on the top of her index finger. This is not as intense as a finger point. The fist concept displays an image that everything isn't okay but we aren't
Transition of art and architecture from the gilded Age to the era of Ashcan artists
One of his strongest stylistic devices he uses is his hand and body movement/ gestures. Bush uses hand signals and head turns/ movements. This shows he is talking and in charge of the room capturing the attention of everyone watching him. Bush makes full eye contact with everyone in the room and uses many hand gestures at appropriate times to really show the full effect of what he is trying to say. Even when he is paused and the audience is clapping for him, he does not look down or around the room staring of into space.
During the Through Deaf Eyes, I realize that no one should judge one another even if we can hear or deaf because at the end of the day, we are all the same kind which is being a human.. During the film, what blew my mind away is that deaf people say “I can” while the hearing people say “I can’t.” Deaf people are more brave than hearing people and they embrace their pride and do not want to be cure. The American Sign Language is a way to communicate with one another therefore, it is so important for deaf people to communicate. They would have to go through a deaf speech class with teachers helping them from step by step using their hands motion to learn American Sign Language.
During his whole presentation, Trump have shown countless hand gestures while he is speaking. His hand gestures seem to go with the rhymes of his listings or when he say things that seem to be important slowly. For example, one of the time would be him yellowing out “a fifty billion dollar,” when talking about how the US would lose a large sum of money if a trade imbalance were to happen. His hand gesture here moves up and down, making a point that the amount is large and important. In addition to his hand movements, Trump’s head also turn several times, and his blinking seems to be constant every seconds and endless at times. When he talks about how he is self-funding his blinks seem constant, however when he talks about the Mexican leaders, his blinks seem endless. This shows that Trump might be sarcastic or lying when he say he respects the Mexican leaders. When people say something that they do not believe is true, their actions begin to put more effort into “being normal” resulting in irregularity of too much effort. Other than blinking endlessly at times, there are also times when Trump stops blinking. One of the times when Trump stop blinking is after he finish talking about Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook) and his support on H1B. This demonstrations that Trump may be able to control his blinking during his sessions since his eyes did not flicker. It gives the feels that he might be trying to distract himself or his audience from his
The president uses gestures, facial expressions, and various tones to make his speech effective in
“What is sign language?” The book is written by Deborah Kent. The book commences with the narrative of Beanca, a girl who was born auditory impaired and uses American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate and then goes on to elucidate the history of ASL.
As part of daily life, we communicate and connect ourselves with certain communities. School, jobs, families, sports, extracurricular activities, and many other communities are just a few we come into contact with. Although these may seem to appear the same, there are specific types of communities such as a discourse community. A discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field (Webcourses, N.d, Website) that has a share a common set of goals and attempt to achieve these goals (Swales, 1990). According to researcher and educator, John Swales, there are six characteristics that define whether or not a community is considered a discourse community. Following the criteria Swales states is necessary to be a discourse community, I did an in depth research on the American Sign Language community. Through my study, I was able to meet all six characteristics.
* Communication can be either verbal or written. Communication can also be seen by facial expressions, gesture and body language. In addition to the words, messages are transferred by the tone and quality of voice and eye contact.
In learning about the deaf culture I have taken on a new understanding about the people it includes. Through readings and the lessons, I have learned that being deaf has both its hardships and its blessings. The beauty of the language alone makes one want to learn all that he or she can about it. In this paper I will discuss the beauty of the language and the misconceptions the hearing world has about deafness.