
Cyber Bullying Is A Significant Problem

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1. This article was written based on a study of cyber bullying behaviors in a large group of middle and high school students. Increases in technology, and access to that technology have increased student ability to bully using an online forum. Not a lot of research had been done into this subject at the time of this article. Taking this into consideration there had been a few large scale studies done that corroborated the belief that cyber bullying is a significant problem. Researchers believed that due to the potential for exposure to this type of bullying, more studies needed to be done. With increased research there was the hope of diminishing the number of incidents of cyber bullying and the effects of those incidents. The research that had been completed also pointed to additional issues, including behavior problems, suspensions, substance abuse and depression among students who had experienced cyber bullying. The other side of previous research showed that the students who used cyber bullying as a weapon were more aggressive in their behaviors.
2. The purpose of this article was to examine the pervasiveness of cyber bullying. Information on technology use and the impact of cyber bullying was gathered. The researchers were trying to determine at what rate cyber bullying occurred and if demographic changes were apparent among middle school and high school students. The study was designed to increase understanding about the issue at hand by using a larger and more

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