
Cyber Security Case Analysis

Decent Essays

After review of vulnerabilities in the areas of technology, people and policy and the perspective attach vectors, an impact assessment was completed and counter measures identified. The counter measures also addressed the areas of current weaknesses and emerging weaknesses in hopes to maintain a strong cyber security posture.
For current technology vulnerability the outdated antivirus was used an example that pertains to all corporations to include Yahoo!, where malware can be introduced into the companies system. The attack vector for this vulnerability occurs through an injection of malware that occurs through email attachments, chat rooms, Trojan programs that lead to the loss or corruption of existing data, or system impacts such as …show more content…

For current policy vulnerability, centers around the upkeep of the company’s software maintenance plan. The attack vector for this vulnerability occurs by using latest technology to attack outdated security settings that provide hackers the chance to access corporate data via a less secure point and lead to the loss or corruption of existing data, or system impacts such as crashes or slow downs. To thwart this attack, best practices focus on the formation of a hierarchical cyber security policy that covers today's threats (Grimes, 2017), and use of the latest technology to attack outdated security settings, and provide a formal guide for cyber security and allow staffs and security specialist to cooperate on best corporate practices. This mitigation plan include the development of the cyber security policy and the policy execution support will require support at the upper management level to tie in with corporate vision.
For emerging technology vulnerability the outdated firewall pertains to all corporations to include Yahoo!, where a deficiency or lapse in appropriate security protocol

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