not so aware of what happens when the teachers or an adult is not around. In the staff survey, when asked, Economics and Civics teacher, Mrs. Larsen, the question, “If you ever saw cyber harassment or cyber bullying taking place here at our school would you intervene?” she responded with, “ Yes! Always, again cyberbullying/harassment is hard to see/ know about.” Staffs from Madera High are not always aware of what students do before or after class, also students most of the time are too scared to tell a staff of what is occurring.
Many students from Madera High School stated that they have not been cyber bullied or harassed on social media, however most of them said that they have witness it on social media. From the survey 35 out of 193
Madera High is an ordinary high school in a fairly small town of about 60,000 people. Although the usual picture of bullying portrayed in the media does not occur here, there are still other forms of bullying and harassment that happen often. Cyberbullying has become the new form of harassment that teens use to bully other students. Social media is now the platform bullies prefer to use rather than the physical confrontation that bullying used to be. Through recent years, it has become an epidemic that has taken over the internet and social networks. It has made it even harder for students to get away from the bully or the person harassing them. At Madera High the amount of bullying seen at school by other students and staff is fairly low,
Madera High school in its past years have dealt with many cases of bullying and harassment among the students on the campus. A hand full of students from Madera High stated that people being harassed and picked on was something that was seen often on social media and up in personal. This became a major problem when social media such as Myspace were first made. This was the beginning of online harassment and bullying. Cyber bullying isn’t something that other people should just look past and ignore because people take their lives from it. People don’t notice what’s going on in the life of a victim that is bullied. Nowadays mostly all of Madera high school students have social media and physical bullying is more rare to see because most of the
Though recent tragedies have led to growing awareness of issues related to cyberbullying, the problem seems to be getting worse. In 2009, 50 percent of students surveyed said they had been victims of bullies using electronic media. In a survey released on September 26, conducted by MTV and the AP, that figure had risen to 56
To say that here at Madera High is new to bullying and harassment would be like a fiction story it would be a lie not realistic this is starting to become a problem at Madera High. Many students claim to have been bullied or harassed at our school. This has become so much easier with the use of a wide variety of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. These ways have created a whole different world of bullying and harassment which we call cyberbullying and cyber harassment both of these actions are becoming more and more often.. Bullying was common before, but the typical bully would physically confront whom their target was, Yet with the creation of social media the typical way of bullying are over. Nowadays anybody can target
1. This article was written based on a study of cyber bullying behaviors in a large group of middle and high school students. Increases in technology, and access to that technology have increased student ability to bully using an online forum. Not a lot of research had been done into this subject at the time of this article. Taking this into consideration there had been a few large scale studies done that corroborated the belief that cyber bullying is a significant problem. Researchers believed that due to the potential for exposure to this type of bullying, more studies needed to be done. With increased research there was the hope of diminishing the number of incidents of cyber bullying and the effects of those incidents. The research that had been completed also pointed to additional issues, including behavior problems, suspensions, substance abuse and depression among students who had experienced cyber bullying. The other side of previous research showed that the students who used cyber bullying as a weapon were more aggressive in their behaviors.
– In the month of September, 2017 Rockaway schools especially Copeland middle school takes many steps to make their community a cyber-safe one. They try to prevent cyberbullying by making many events and assemblies for the 4th through 8th graders to notice them about the dangers of cyberbullying.
Social media can seem like an amazing world where you can do and say whatever you want! But… it can be a whole new world where bullies live. Many students with disabilities are likely to end up as targets of bullying because of something they do not have control of. Others like Amanda Todd become a victim of cyberbullying by opportunity and chance. Once a day six out of ten kids witness bullying or are bullied according to do something .org.
Madera High School could be seen as if not a lot is going on however, going into details the staff explain how bullying is a part of a problem that happens on campus. When it asks what is the difference between cyberbullying and online harassment and individual state's “Yes I know the difference between cyberbullying and online harassment. Cyberbullying is when individuals pick on a weaker person online and attack them where as harassment is when an individual bother a person of equal power intentionally”. Cyberbullying is also a way that students in Madera High School get bullied, it demonstrates that 212 students have been involved of saying something negative about someone online, including subtweeting. This not only proves that students
It has been demonstrated in a number of studies that the more time an individual spends on the computer and internet, the more likely they are to be cyber bully victims, perpetrators or both the victim and bully (Mishna, Khourg-Kassabri, Gadalla, & Daciuk, 2012; Sengupta & Chaudhuri, 2011). The most common mediums of cyber bullying are through email, instant messages, or internet social networking sites; however, the medium with the greatest impact on its victims is picture or video bullying (Beran & Li, 2005; Kowalski & Fedina, 2011; Slonje & Smoth, 2008). It has been suggested in the past that children who have access to social networking sites are more likely to be perpetrators or victims of cyber bullying, however, results from one study indicates this is not the case. Alternatively, it was suggested
Bullying has always been a prevalent issue among society, especially within adolescence. However, cyberbullying in specific, is becoming more intense and harmful as the use technology increases. Unfortunately, bullies target those who are different among society, such as individuals who are different in race, religion, language, and sexual orientation. Bullying is no longer stemmed from school and left there, kids are bringing these unnecessary things home with them through the use of social media. These behaviors from bullies are preventing the victims to exceed their full potential in school, extra-circular activities, and being who they are in general. Now that most individuals use social media, they are able to see who is being
Previous studies on cyber bullying have been conducted at the middle school and high school levels. Bullying has always been a problem in this age range, so its natural for many researchers to target children as their survey participants, studying their activities and communication through technology. However, very few studies have been conducted on cyber bullying at the college-age. This is the age group that not only grew up when the computer found its way into almost every home, but when the cell phone became a
Social Networking has taken bullying to the extreme. Before advanced technology, children and teenagers were troubled by school bullies. Today, they are targeted by bullies via internet. Most people undergo some form of bullying in life. Growing up, I experienced the typical name calling and spiteful comments. I also dealt with minor cases of virtual bullies. These bullies are known as cyber bullies. I find this topic compelling because it’s a matter that has spiraled out of control.
Yes, schools should most definitely punish students for cyber bullying on or of school campus but to a curtain extent. Cyber bullying is just as serious, if not, more serious, than physical bullying.
Facebook and other social media platforms have brought communication across the world to a whole new level. The rise of social media has created a place for children to communicate with others in both a positive and negative manner. Although it has made a positive impact on American youth, it has also contributed and exacerbated bullying in our schools. This new form of bullying, often referred to as cyberbullying, has created an around-the-clock atmosphere where bullying can occur even when school is not in session. Many professionals have sought to address the negative aspects of social media and have worked to develop a solution to bring cyberbullying to an end.
There are countless examples of social media used to bully students. In a case in Iowa, Kiana Phelps was cyber bullied because of her success in track (Naughton, 2016). According to Naughton (2016), jealous students posted “Social media photos of her working out accompanied with rude and sarcastic comments.” The students went so far as to claim online that “Phelps only gets attention because her older sister had died of anorexia” (Naughton, 2016). Obviously, this situation became personal and very hurtful for Phelps but the school board did not take any action (Naughton, 2016).