
Cyberbullying's Negative Effects On Adolescents

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In the United States, 23% of teens, in a study, reported being targeted by cyberbullying (Pappas). Once someone is singled out by a bully, different peers will know that the person is a target, and they will join in the bullying against that particular child. The number of adolescents being directly affected by cyberbullying has grown everyday. As more adolescents get involved with technology, unfortunately more of them have felt the need to get involved with other peers in a negative manner. Without finding a root cause to stop it, children and teens can be affected by serious and sometimes fatal mental health illnesses. According to a study, more than 15% of children said that they were either being cyber bullied or they were the target of some aspect of cyberbullying. (Ockerman, Kramer, and Bruno). As a result, whether children are bullying or being bullied, the numbers are increasing. This has the possibility to dig America in another hole that it does not need to be in, with adolescents being horribly affected every day. Cyberbullying worsens the mental health of children ages 12-18 in the United States. Online abuse worsens the mental health of adolescents by increasing …show more content…

Negative effects of cyberbullying may include substance abuse, symptoms of depression, and lack of emotional stability. Cyberbullying was found to be related in some aspect to every mental health and substance abuse issue in a study, so it is a major focus of many interventions. Solutions to ending cyberbullying may include anti-bullying programs within schools, and trustworthy conversations between parents and their children for an all around understanding of the issues at hand. Cyberbullying can be seen as new and unworthy of the attention of this new generation, but as new as it is, it is rapidly spiraling out of control, and negatively affecting the everyday lives of children and

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