1.0 Introduction
Cybercrime is an ever-increasing issue in the modern business world. It is rapidly becoming a business opportunity open to everyone driven by profit (Jones, 2007). In cybercrime, the perpetrator typically gains access to a computer system without the owner’s authorisation (Davis, 2003). It is often not just one particular type of cybercrime that is occurring, but usually when individuals think of cybercrime they immediately think of viruses or worms (Table 1) (Hutchings, 2012). These types of crimes are becoming a world problem that costs the government, businesses and individuals millions of dollars annually. In the past year, Australia lost $1.06 billion affecting mainly small businesses that make up 96% of all
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This is depicted in figure 1 (Cheng and Liu, 2009). One of the major vulnerabilities in which small businesses have is that they are understaffed and do not have enterprise-level security measures for their sensitive data (Hayden, 2015). It is often admitted from small businesses that they have had cyber-attacks where private information was compromised and clients suffered losses but did not report it (Smith, Smith, and Smith, 2011). Many business owners believe that by reporting the incident they could lose potential customers. Other major vulnerabilities include expertise, time, resources to install software updates, having a wireless network which makes them vulnerable to network exploitation, unsecured SQL databases, poorly configured firewalls, and interconnected peer networks with weak security (Swan, 2013). Table 2 provides more information on how vulnerabilities affect the business individually (Patteson, 2013). Also the costs involved in implementing the security measures could be a disincentive for business who deem it as a threat that might not even happen. . Looking further into the vulnerabilities of small businesses it can be seen that the risks are real and require appropriate security measures.
Figure 1: Inadequate setup of the business systems impact
As technology is used worldwide, it is in no way hard to get your hands on, or learn how to use computers etc. One of the most significant problems with cybercrime is it’s secretive nature; many protection devices which can be cracked will not pick up that they have been, therefore the majority of cybercrime will go unnoticed for a substantial amount of time. Combined with the world wide web, hackers can use the computers to gain information from any organisation around the world, penetrating even the most impenetrable organisations to get what they want, highlighting how technology has led to the process of globalization within the criminal world.
From romantic encounters to general friendships, almost everyone experiences some type of relationship. Relationships are an important part of life, but sometimes relationships can become complicated, especially when love is involved. Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises, provides insufficient information about his characters and instead allows them to be revealed through their dialogue, their actions, and their interactions with one another. In particular, aside from only incorporating descriptions through Jake’s narration, Jake Barnes and Robert Cohn’s relationships contain parallels and similarities that can allow more in depth understanding of the characters. By contrasting how Jake and Robert deals with and react to their
It’s no secret, the internet sensation has made many people redundant, however, over the past decade this global phenomenon has seen the birth of over 1.2 million jobs, dawning a new era for humanity. With rapid developments occurring in the design, development and implementation of technological discoveries. Traditional legal principles and processes are constantly challenged by the need to keep pace with new technologies. in particular, identity theft has skyrocketed since the rise of the internet; a 2012 survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics revealed 7% of respondents were directly affected by identity crime in the preceding six months. Identity theft not only affects Australian citizens it’s also a cancer to national security, in order for the government to beat this epidemic it’s imperative that harsher punishments are imposed on cyber criminals.
Throughout America’s history, the issue of immigration has been on the forefront major debates. Immigration is among one of the most stimulating topics of discussion. Often when discussing immigration the question of assimilation also arises and whether or not immigrants are truly doing so. Since the beginning of this country, immigrants and even natives of the land have been pressured to assimilate to “American” Culture and to commit to its standards. When a group of people fail to assimilate to these standards, they encounter critics. The Native Americans, who wanted to preserve their traditions and values, had their children taken from them and sent to boarding schools with the goal to assimilate Native tribes into “mainstream America’s way of life.” In the nineteenth century, the largest mass lynching, which involved Italians , occurred in New Orleans. Italians were discriminated against because they did not share the same traits as their Anglo-Saxon camarades. (Falco) Today, in the twenty-first century, Hispanic immigrants ,and others, are also criticized because they are believed to not be assimilating. In fact many like the Samuel P. Huntigton, chairman of the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies, have voiced that the most serious threat to America’s traditional identity is the immigration of Hispanic immigrants. However, the issue may not stem from these people themselves. The issue and controversies surrounding assimilation primarily stems from
Criminals have always been around, but cybercrime is something new. It has only been around since the 60s, but it has grown exponentially. Why? Is cybercrime somehow different? Criminals engage in cybercrime for the simple reason that it is easier than conventional crime, there are no witnesses, and they can make more money faster. Cybercrime investigators are few and far between, and there is little cooperation among different jurisdictions. Nevertheless, as technology advances, so does the number of people who see that cybersecurity is a growing field and is needed to maintain the integrity of commerce locally and globally.
Losing an individual who has endured and distinguished themselves has the same impinge on life as an eraser does. By using an eraser to expunge a component within a masterpiece, an element that indicated the integral contrivance of an artwork is lost. The aberration within the piece vividly disrupts the continuation and instead delineates an indistinguishable portrait. Pervasive deformities such as the Mona Lisa without her eminent smile, the Starry Night without the steeple of the church, and Van Gogh without his use of oil paints, are so anomalous that to a point they are beyond recognition. Similarly, as soon as someone passes away, normality changes and reconstructs itself antithetically.
Cybercrime has become a fast growing concern for the 21st century as businesses, institutions and individuals grow into an interconnected web of computer networks. Online business transactions, along with the sharing of personal information, are vulnerable to a host of disasters that can reap economic and social havoc. Some sources say that today, cybercrime costs more than $1.0 trillion to society--Global Industry Analysts, Inc. forecasted the world cyber security market to reach $80 billion by 2017 (Gale, 2011).
An invisible war is raging between cybercriminals and those who wish to make the virtual world a safer place, but the laws that could change the tides of this war are being called into question. Cybercrimes are a virtual epidemic that is sweeping the online world with crimes constantly posing as a threat such as identity theft, hacking, cyberterrorism, and computer viruses. In order to combat cybercrime the U.S. government passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) that allowed prosecutors to charge cybercriminals for their cybercrimes. Cybercrimes laws implemented by the CFAA should be strengthened in order to deter harmful cybercrimes because cybercrime has effect corporations, people, and the government.
Today cyber-attacks are a occurring at an alarmingly high rate. It is not just governments and major corporation’s websites that are under attack; cyber criminals are using the Internet as an instrument to execute crimes against law enforcement agencies, members of congress, and small businesses as well as conducting terrorism, and even waging war. Cyber-attacks can come anywhere, anytime, anyplace from anybody. Cyber criminals are constantly testing computer defense systems for weaknesses in order to gain access to information in which they can use to their advantage. The following paper characterizes three types of cyber criminal activity, real world examples, ways organizations can protect themselves and why the need for law enforcement and e-business professionals involvement.
Cybercrime in the United States has been a problem since the beginning of widespread computer use in the country, and it has only continued to grow as the years have gone by. Today, cybercrimes come in many different forms, not all of which can be prevented by anything other than vigilance. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, henceforth referred to as the FBI, is one of the main forces trying to combat cybercrimes in the United State. The FBI has specialized units and special agents specifically to combat cybercrimes in different areas of the country, and sometimes they work with foreign governments as well. The penalties imposed on cybercriminals when they get caught is usually pretty substantial, and their reasoning for such actions can be very enlightening as to why cybercrime is such a large-scale problem.
The integration of computer utilization in every aspect of economic activities has increased the vulnerability of people to criminal activities; whereas, a computer is employed as instruments of crime such as murder, child pornography, hacking, virus distribution or fraud. Presently, computers are the newest criminality instrument utilized today; as such, individuals who comprehend in what manner to employ them can access doors that only a small number of people are even aware exist (Rosoff, Pontell &Tillman, 2013).
Every year, billions of dollars is being lost due to cybercrime and security. Harassment, Identity theft, online predators, and ransom are some of the most cybercrimes being committed, that's causing the most harm to billions of people.
Cybersecurity is one of the most important topics in business today; It is something that must be accounted for by all businesses, large or small, due to its ability to disrupt or even paralyze all business functions. With the increasing reliance of computer systems into enterprises today, it is no wonder why the most dangerous threats are in cyberspace. The dangers of these threats are scary to small and medium-sized business owners, and they are left wondering how to protect themselves. Preventative measures are the major thing a business can do to shield their services or products. The ‘bad actor’ hindrance of unauthorized entry into an infrastructure is a normal trouble in cybersecurity; The businesses of today are not immune to cybercrime, however they may be able to make themselves a difficult target that almost all hackers would disregard. Cyber-criminals can infect computer techniques making use of multiple tools to infiltrate and acquire data illegally. A part of this discussion deals with the necessary funding for confronting developing treats. Cybersecurity should be a priority to all businesses, due to the crippling effects an attack can have on an enterprise.
What are the main risks to cyber security and are states or non-state actors the main challenge? Word Count 1188
For this paper I will be discussing how cybercrime effects society and what the challenges of policing cybercrime are. I will do so by, going in depth on the threat cybercrime has on society and pin point the different classes of it. This will include the risk factors on the victims as well as frequency and brutality that cybercrime has after one has fallen victim to a cyber-attack. I will also shed light on challenges the police encounter when dealing with cyber threats on society. The challenges that I will pointing out that police face when dealing with cyber threats are 1. when does the police have to consider the cyber threat a real crime. 2. Under-reporting, and 3. The law does not deal with trifles. After that I will further my research paper by elaborating on the literature review which would exemplify the empirical accomplishments and points of improvement; then proceed to use all my research to form a conclusion on whether a better tactic can be used to help the police decrease cybercrime. The type of literature that I will be using to further back up my points is going to be Stats Canada, journals, peer reviews and other course text books.