
Cyberstalking, Personal Privacy

Decent Essays

In the article Cyberstalking, personal privacy, and moral responsibility Herman T. Tavani and Frances S. Grodzinsky start by analyzing the topic of stalking. They start by giving the definition of stalking as being generally considered as being one in which an individual, the stalker, stealthily tracks the movement of another individual or individuals. The authors then proceed on portraying the topic of cyberstalking. They show that cyberstalking can be understood as a form of behavior in which certain types of stalking-related activities, which in the past have occurred in physical space, are extended to the on-line world. (Tavini and Grodzinsky p.123) To make more vivid, Tavani and Grodzinsky give an example of cyberstalking. They display that a 20 year old girl was murdered …show more content…

With the example, the authors then went on to explain what search engines can be used for. They demonstrate that search engines can be used to locate personal information about individuals. This personal information can also be acquired easily by personal data that is accessible to internet search engines without the knowledge and the consent of the person. Furthermore Tavani and Grodzinsky explain the topics of the internet service providers, their legal liability and the moral responsibilities behind them. “In the case of ISP’s, the threat of legal liability can be used- despite the fact that currently in the US it is not – to deter ISP’s from becoming lax about policing their electronic forums to some reasonable extent.” (Tavani and Grodzinsky p.128) They authors display three views of this moral obligation. The first one is a view formulated by Josef Peiper. He says that a moral obligation is one that is not only personal but it is also one that is linked to the person’s community. The second view is on formulated by Carol

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