
Cyp 3.1

Good Essays

This assignment is all about play and learning for children and young people. Play is engaging in an activity for enjoyment and pleasure however can also be used for learning purposes and development in children and young people. Play activities can be planned by practitioners within the setting or can be free-play, when a child goes off and plays by themselves. Play can be carried out individually or in groups and can also be carried out in different environments such as indoors and outdoors. ‘Research confirms the importance of play for infants in developing children’s brains and minds.’ ( this is why practitioners encourage young children …show more content…

Forest schools test the children’s abilities, for example, they are taking part in activities in a supervised risk environment, they will be able to explore the environment and build dens, etc, this will also develop their physical development and their social development. When forest school takes place the children take risks in a controlled environment to enhance their development and learning, however parents may not want their children to attend forest school because of the risks involved and the chances of the children being hurt, they may feel nervous about letting their child attend forest school. In conclusion, forest school is a very good part of the children’s education as they develop new skills and their development and learning are enhanced, even though it is a risk the children enjoy it, it also helps with their ‘risk and play’ the children are able to learn from the mistakes they make. There are more pro’s to a forest school than cons. Forest schools are an important key issue to play because ‘Children are at risk

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