The signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that can cause concern of context of safeguard is the following:- Physical abuse: - • Bruises at different areas in the body, • Unexplained marks could be from belts, hand print, throwing things on the face lead to mark in a face • Accident injuries may lead to broken bones. • Bites, burns such as cigarettes burns Neglect: - • The child is underweight. • Have a dirty skin and hair. • Signs of having minor injuries, cuts and bruises. • The child is always suffering from minor illnesses such as coughs and cold, not being taken to the GP for a treatment. • Feeling withdrawn, problem communicating with others. • Low self-esteem, • Hunger, looking at others when they are eating that may lead
This act is vital to follow in a health and social care setting. The act controls how your persona information is used by organisations, businesses or the government. Information must be used fairy, lawfully and for limited, specifically stated purposes. It should be handled according to people’s data protection rights and be kept safe and secure. By protecting vulnerable adults, confidentiality is essential. If a service feels that they cannot express their feelings freely, without assurance or judgement that it will be in self-assurance, then patients may withhold necessary information that may be important to their recovery. Violating someone's confidence may also outcome in alternate conditions for the patient. For example, if the patient
The culture prevalent at the hospital is based on the simple objectives associated with ethics that bring about the needed culture of ethical and responsible actions at the hospital (Schneider, B., Ehrhart, M. G., & Macey, W. H., 2013). The direction over decision making involves the senior levels of the hierarchy along with the middle level to incorporate ethical dilemma and making decisions in alignment with the mission of the community
This lady lives alone, which is the situation 2.5 million people over 75 find themselves in the UK(office for national statistics, 2015), the population of the United Kingdom over 75 is projected to double over the next 30 years (, 2015) . She has bilateral age related maculopathy this affects less than 3.3% of the older population. Augood et al (2004). She does live with family and this will give good motivation to try to and make the best of her remaining vision in order to help her play with her grandchildren, the fact that her granddaughter is able to bring her to the appointment is also very helpful as any advice can (as long as the patient gives permission) can be relayed to his daughter to reinforce particularly in the correct
Sorry to know you had to experience the illness of a loved with whom you have shared your life with for such a long time. Hopefully you will be strengthen by the joy and good times you shared.
The article summarises a new programme that will be given to newborn babies against meningitis B. Meningitis is an infection of the membrane which surrounds the brain and spinal cord. This can affect anyone but young children are more vulnerable to the infection. Some symptoms that have been shown from the infection are high fever with cold hands and feet, agitation, misperception, sickness and headaches.
With a Mini-Mental State that greater than or equal 20, twenty French native speaking memory unit patients were diagnosed to have an Alzheimer's sickness. Ten female and 20 sound matured controls (HC; 14 female) experienced a neurological and neuropsychological examination. All patients presented classical amnesic variant. All patients and controls participated gave their written informed consent before recruitment. All patients presented classical amnesic variant. All patients and controls participated gave their written informed consent before recruitment.
No knowledge of child’s medical history which can cause problems in diagnosing illness or most appropriate medical treatment
In this report I will be describing different patterns of ill health and who and how they are monitored. I will also try to explain different factors that affect our health, not only now but I will try to discuss how different factors fight effect our health in the future, I will then evaluate the influence of the government have on factors that affect ill health.
I work closely with my team ensuring that all staff are treated with respect and encouraging them to develop their own skills and knowledge whilst sharing their experiences with colleagues.
Indicators of Maltreatment can include: malnourishment, listlessness, fatigue, stealing or begging for food. Lack of personal care can include poor personal hygiene, torn and/or dirty clothes, and untreated need for glasses, dental care, or other medical attention. Frequent absence from or tardiness to school is another form of maltreatment. Child inappropriately left unattended or without supervision is another form of child abuse/neglect.
A health service is a service that provides care and is under the NHS. For examples hospitals or a G.P. They provide treatments but also prevent illnesses through health promotions. A social care service is about providing support to individuals to help them get by and who ever needs it such as emotional support or practical support with daily living tasks.
In this essay I am going to talk the patterns and trends of health and ill health among different social groupings. I will talk about each pattern and trend in its own paragraph, Social class, Gender, Ethnicity, Age and Geographical location. I will talk about the links between these to health issues. I will back these up through the use of evidence such as statistics. I will then conclude what I have found out. Firstly I will talk about each pattern and trend.
P2: Describe the Origins of Public Health Policy in the UK from the 19th Century to the Present Day.
Providing quality care to those who need it shouldn’t be difficult but sadly at times it can be; in an ideal world some effective ways to assist carers would be assessing the situation as a whole not just the pwd. Within a community there should be relevant teams that can be contacted such as district nurses, charity organisations to offer support, social services should be able to help with extra care if and when its needed, local care facilities can be helpful to provide respite all these areas would need to assess the pwd and should then be able to put to together a care plan that suit the pwd and the carer. Supporting the pwd as well as their carer is important and there for help may be needed for the carer to be able to go out if they choose or may be overnight care so they can get some well earned rest.
ODP’s provide high skilled support to anaesthetists and surgeons, assessing, delivering care and evaluating patients during the peri operative journey. Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is a regulatory body with the aim protect the public’s health. HCPC regulates ODP profession and aims to approve and uphold all high standards of training, education and good quality of practice. HCPC works in partnership with professional bodies for ODP which are, The College of Operating Department Practice (COPD), The Association for Perioperative Practice (AFPP) and also the NHS (HCPC, 2014).