
Cytomegalo Virus Research Paper

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Cytomegalovirus: Ubiquitous and Underdiagnosed The cytomegalovirus is in the herpesviridae family of over one hundred known herpes viruses. In this family, only eight infect humans. Of these eight, the further classification into three subfamilies stems from what type of tissue that the virus invades, infects, and that symptoms display. The cytomegalovirus is considered to be in the second subfamily, attacking the immune system on a cellular level (Fagerberg, Smith, & Grimes, 2013). This virus doesn’t end its work there, however. It will attack muscle tissue and neuronal cells. It is associated with hearing and vision loss in infants and children who were congenitally infected. This complication may not arise for years and may not be …show more content…

Indications can be any combination of the following manifestations: fever, ulcers, hepatitis, encephalitis, seizures, coma, and vision trouble from retinitis to blindness. Among other symptoms or signs as internal organs are attacked are the less common but possible emergence of the evidence of activity of this virus including splenomegaly, anemia, or lymphadenopathy (Fagerberg et. al., 2013). Avoiding transmission of the cytomegalovirus includes some common sense steps such as hand washing after a diaper change or wiping the nose of a young child, not sharing food or drink and never putting a child’s pacifier in your own mouth. Surfaces involved in diaper changing or potty training of young children should also be decontaminated after every use. For the prevention of this and other communicable diseases, never share a toothbrush with anyone. Children do not commonly spread this virus to their parents, but it can happen. Among adults who work in a child care setting, this number is likely higher. Since otherwise healthy adults rarely exhibit symptoms or develop complications from exposure to or contraction of the cytomegalovirus, there are no unusual precautions added to their protocol other than those already in place to maintain a hygienic …show more content…

Antiviral drugs may be prescribed for immunocompromised individuals to help prevent the cytomegalovirus from replicating inside the host and causing more damage as it acts. There is also the idea of using antivirals in cases of congenital contraction of CMV; the studies seem to show a lessening of the neurologic damage that can manifest later that is attributed to this virus. There are even vaccines in development to decrease the likelihood of transmission from the mother to her child (Fagerberg et. al,

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