D.A.R.E. Essay By: Abby Cooper Did you know that D.A.R.E. teaches us to make good decisions? Well it does. It teaches us what to do in a bad situations, all about health effects of alcohol and tobacco. D.A.R.E. also teaches us not to smoke cigarettes or cigars.
I learned a lot in D.A.R.E. such as, what to do when we’re bullied, to tell a trusted adult with the five W--Who, What, When, Where, and Why. We learned how to deal with stress like, breathing deeply or counting to 10. We also learned when to say no, when someone asked if you want to smoke, drink, or chew tobacco. D.A.R.E. teaches a lot of very important things, that we might need to use later in life.
The D.A.R.E. DMM helps you deal with a bad situation. The DDMM stands for, Define means, describe the problem, challenge, or opportunity. Asses means, what are your choices. Respond means, make a choice , use the facts and information you have. Evaluate means, review your decision. Did you make a good choice? The DDMM can help you in a bad situation.
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Always make the right choices and say no to bad things that can harm me. I will use the DDMM when, someone asked me to do something bad or dangerous. I will use my stress ball when I get mad so I don’t yell at someone like, Sofia did in the video in lesson 5. I will always say no to drugs, drinking, and other harmful things. I will always use everything that I learned in
Wild horses of Asstatuge live in Maryland. Asstatuge is an Island so the horses are shown in water. The horses on Asstatug Island survive from each other. Asstatuge's horses are herds of horses so they do not have an owner. That's why they are called wild horses because there don't have an owner.
Great Britain started the Ind Rev with their great accessible deposits of coal and iron, secured island with political stability, its large colonial market, and its' well-developed transportation network of rivers and canal. Canals played an important role in connecting regions within England, allowed a more efficient and cheaper way in transportation. Also, plethora of inventions such as steam engine in 1760s, cotton gin, flying shuttle, and public railways in 1825 were made due to the fact that the society was open talents, allowing inventors to express their work. As the booming economy continued to rise, the population doubled which led to a higher demand for food, resources, and goods. Bank of England was established in 1694 to managed
Unit 10 was a closure for the previous four units in the process of inventing Canada. This unit based on the earliest resources on Canadian history and on the first nations whom lived in this country. This resources were about pre-Cartier and his explorations. Some nations, for example the people who lived in St. Lawrence valley – whom did not have a specific name to be called at- and historians still lacking enough evidence on their existence or what happened with them. These people who are identified as St. Lawrence Iroquoians were lived in the contact area which means the conquerors reached them first. The Iroquoians were exposed to all the dangers Europeans carried into the native lands, different types of diseases they were not immune
One lesson derived might be to “be Mindful of all around
Most people naturally carry the bacteria in their intestines, away from the oxygen that would kill them. Given that our intestines produce different types of bacteria, so if we take antibiotic
To start off, Assurbanipal was born to Esarhaddon and Sennnacherib. He grew up in a palace built by his grandfather. The palace in which he grew up was built when his grandfather was crowned prince. Assurbanipal grandfather was assassinated so his father took the spot as king in 681 BC. After the death of the queen Esarhaddon he decided that once he dies he would have Assurbanipal rule Assyria and Shamash-shum-ukin would rule Babylon. While Esarhaddon was travelling to reinvade Egypt he died out of no were. Assurbanipal did not get the throne till about a year after his father’s death.
In class we learned a lot about D.A.R.E. We learned to stay away from strangers, tobacco, we learned about signals of stress, and watched a video about retro bill. We learned to resist lots of circumstances you may get into.
Antibiotic-associated Clostridium difficile is bacteria that can cause an array of symptoms from mild to moderate diarrhea, to a more severe and life-threatening inflammation of the colon called colitis. This form of C. difficile mainly occurs in people who have been on antibiotics, mainly for an unrelated infection. This bacterium is grouped into two separate classes; active and inactive. In the active class the bacteria cannot survive in our environment for an extended period of time. In the inactive or noninfectious class the bacteria can survive in our environment. The inactive class is also called a spore. C. difficile spores are often found in hospitals, nursing homes, and newborn nurseries. C. difficile spores can be found on; telephones, bedpans, furnishings, floors, in and around bathrooms, linens, stethoscopes, medical equipment, under fingernails, rings and other jewelry, infants' rooms, diaper pails,
“Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.” –Hippocrates, 460-377 BC. If a Greek physician could make this statement over 2300 years ago, why is it such an under-exposed theory today? As stated in Chiropractic First, written by Dr. Rondberg, a chiropractor of 35 years and founder of the “Chiropractic Journal,” Hippocrates “believed that only nature could heal and it was the physician’s duty to remove any obstruction that would prevent the body from healing” (8-9). These “physicians” are called chiropractors today, and their goal is to remove subluxations, the displacement of two or more spinal disks that causes
How I plan to use what I have learned during D.A.R.E to keep me same is, that I will not take drugs from people when they offer me some and I will not mix drugs together because
Have you ever been in D.A.R.E.? Do you know what D.A.R.E stands for? Officer Trapp has taught my classmates and I a lot about D.A.R.E. He came every Friday to our class. We learned about three speaking tones, drug abuse, alcohol usage, and the D.A.R.E. decision making model.
On May 2, 2012, the National Football League lost one of its elite players to suicide: Junior Seau. Seau played for the Chargers, Dolphins, and the Patriots during his professional football career and was a 12-time Pro Bowler before retiring in 2009. Three years after his retirement however, Seau committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest with a gun. This greatly shocked the football world and its image of Junior Seau as a person, but it soon realized the cause for his action. Shortly after Seau’s death, researchers examined Seau’s brain and found that it contained a disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy which is formed
In conclusion I will try to use everything that I have learned in D.A.R.E ever since I first started in 2nd grade. I will apply what I have learned in D.A.R.E such as how to relieve stress when I am overwhelmed with projects and assignments. I will also make sure I won’t abuse drugs, drink alcohol, or use any type of tobacco. I also hope that I will make good decisions in life instead of bad decisions even when I’m an adult. D.A.R.E has made me into a better person and I will use what I have learned from all the way from the beginning all the way to the end. Thank
In the United States, starting salaries for teachers who have completed a four-year degree are far lower compared to many other professions, which also require a four-year degree. In most states, teachers must undergo testing and other rigorous certification requirements, but they are given the same consideration or status as beginning professionals in other areas. Although attractive incentives are offered, the compensation does not compare to the long hours of work and schooling required for a teaching career.
The second lesson I had to learn was teamwork. Ever since I was a kid, I have always wanted to do the thing myself and/ or be in control of everything and everyone. I learned that if we all have different ideas to bring to the table that whatever we are working on will be the best. It's not the easiest thing to do but i have and always will carry teamwork as a lesson.