
DBQ: The French Revolution

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The French Revolution was a series of struggles regarding economic and social issues under rule of Louis XVI in 18th century. As a result of the Revolution, there was a shift towards radical changes apropos to the desire for a new historical beginning in revolutionary France. The adoption of the new calendar was created to in hopes to introduce these new republican values, bring about new ideas of de-Christianization, and to celebrate a new marking in French history. This progressive era was a time of radical change in France, where the traditional values and practices were slowly being abolished, which caused many contrary reactions to break out within the people. During the time of recovery following the French Revolution, they …show more content…

As an example of this De-Christianization in France, you can see via diagram in Document 3, the new naming of the months and the pictures attached show a worldlier image and are not relating to religious concepts. ACAP? Many believed the de-Christianization of the calendar was unnecessary to its cause. In addition to a poor reaction in the lower class, others also reacted negatively in that they did not believe France needed such radical change to break away from the French Revolution. As a result of the New French Calendar moving away from religious ideas, it also moved backward towards the idea of an absolute monarchy. The declaration that all church properties in France belonged to the nation, and were being sold at public auctions, was the first of the many reasons people thought the De- Christianization was impractical and unnecessary to its cause. Pierre- Joseph Denis, a former Girodin imprisoned during the Terror, and later recalled to the National Convention, speaks his anti- calendar views at the Opinion on the Decades. During Denis’s rant he states, the Jacobins were able to make the infernal Robespierre the first pope of Deism, this New Calendar was just another act of despotism forced on the people. (D5) The historical context behind this document is the hatred Pierre- Joseph Denis has for the Jacobins, and their leader Robespierre, since they took away power of the Girondin in the National Assembly. As a passionate leading figure in the radical Girondin group, Denis’s main goal was to fight for power over the Jacobins. He spoke out against the group in such harsh ways in hopes to make people turn against them so that the Girondins would result in more

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