
DSM-5 Summary

Decent Essays

In this article, we are pre-dispose to examine and assess the integrity of the Fifth Edition, of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, (DSM-5). Specifically, call into question is the proliferation of diagnoses and the expansion of the criteria that applies to kids for certain disorders. One example presented in the article was the assertion of the escalation of pediatric bipolar diagnosis secondary to ADHD. The article directly links an increase of atypical antipsychotic medication for both adults and kids to the over saturation of diagnoses for certain disorders. As a rise in consumption for antipsychotic and antidepressant prevail, researchers quoted in the article go on to indicate that medication compliance isn’t …show more content…

The apparent disparity of foster kids covered by Medicaid and Medicare being diagnosed with disorders that required atypical antipsychotics, is alarming when compare to kids who are covered by private insurances. This has alerted providers based on the addictive properties that medication for certain disorders bring with medication compliance. Legitimate questions have risen over the usage of the DSM-5 as an effective reference for practice. These issues have generated enough controversy that a significant amount of mental health professionals have sign a petition asking for a revision of the criteria for certain disorders. Although, prominent mental health entities like the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) have not taken a position in the matter, social workers are encouraged to critically analyze the fallacies of DSM-5. The article is not entirely subjective or opposed to using the DSM-5 in practice, but rather urges mental health providers to explore all the research regarding controversies as it relates to all levels of social …show more content…

When this fails to occur, a social worker should intervene with the best interest of the client in mind, and with the best clinical judgment. We should have a natural instinct of thoroughly evaluating our clients in order to ensure the best possible alternatives when medication is not effective. On the micro level of social work and when dealing directly with clients, our ethical and clinical intuition should guide us. When given the choice to explore different resources for clients and when given the ability to employed interventions that are preventive in nature, social workers must strive to be competent in successfully creating awareness and self

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