
Daily Stand Up

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One of the company's most successful marketing strategy is to give away their products for free to exhibit their products to people. The more product exposes to people the more popular it becomes. The company's free most of their products according customers attitude, like if the product is valuable to customers they more likely to like the free product and spread to others. Most people in the society don't want to spend money on what they never heard or used, giving away the samples or free trials also help them to decide whether it's worth buying or not and also helps companies to spread their product to people. Every company has their own way of doing meetings. Kaneva company has daily stand up meetings and monthly meetings to discuss about their company's goals and activities. The company's head encourages stand up meeting, the thought behind the stand up meeting is to discuss the work they have been done without wasting time. Daily stand up meetings help them to achieve their goals faster and gives them more time to focus on the goals since it takes less time. Monthly meetings are arranged to discuss future goals, and fix problems. Kaneva's daily stand up meeting are effective and efficient in work environment. …show more content…

Which means employees can spend 20 percent of their time working on creative and effective ideas. Employees 20 percent of time would let them to think out of the box to enhance features and to improve the overall gaming business. As 80 percent of their time they're busy working on the work that assign to them, 20 percent would give their mind a peace to work on their independent

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