
Dakota Access Pipeline

Decent Essays

Tom Carnesciali, T05
Proposal Argument

Standing with Standing Rock

Citizens of the U.S. must petition and call public officials to urge the Obama administration to declare Standing Rock Indian Reservation a National Monument, thereby halting the development of the Dakota Access Pipeline, to accomplish the following priorities: prevent the contamination of a vital U.S. water source and its surrounding ecosystems, stop the human rights violations and abuse at Standing Rock, and avert the desecration of sacred native burial grounds. Stopping the pipeline would additionally benefit the planet and all its inhabitants by assisting the transition away from reliance on fossil fuels, and toward more sustainable energy sources, a vital …show more content…

Already at 95% completion, the pipeline is scheduled to cross the Missouri River a mere 10 miles upstream from Standing Rock Reservation. The most urgent of the threats this pipeline proposes is the threat of contamination of the Missouri River, a crucial water source to both the Dakotas, particularly the Sioux nation tribes, for whom this river is their only source of water for drinking, irrigation, and fish. The pipeline was originally routed to cross the Missouri River further north, 10 miles upstream from the State’s Capital, Bismarck. However, after a study was conducted about the potential impact of pipeline spills, given the proximity to wellheads serving as the City’s source of drinking water, the route was rejected and moved to Standing Rock. Oil spills are the greatest environmental concern when considering the pipeline’s potential harm. North Dakota has experienced 292 oil spills in the last two years alone, despite those companies who own the various pipelines ensuring that spills are a rarity, citing “safeguards” that prevent them. The reality is that oil spills are a frequent occurrence when transporting oil for thousands of miles, so the matter of oil spills is not a question of if, but rather when, and how many(Mckenna). Of all the nearly 300 spills that occurred in North Dakota …show more content…

Another possible solution to the harmful consequences I’ve outlined is organizing a group of military veterans to camp at the reservation, and stand with the protesters in defiance of the construction. This act by a group of national heroes would garner both worldwide attention, and political support. Over 2,000 veterans are already organized and poised to arrive at the several encampments, and historic and symbolic act of reverence to the Sioux Nation is unprecedented. Perhaps this act in conjunction with the National Monument Status would have the most impact, and could give so much press to the issue of the pipeline that the project could be halted

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