
Dan Brown Research Paper

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There are many magnificent authors and writers in the world, and the United States was no stranger in producing such authors. Throughout history, American literature has always had a lasting impact on the world. One great American author who has gain respect and praise from multiple readers is Dan Brown. He uses science, religion, and mystery to present his literary works in quite a unique way. Other than his literary works, Dan Brown has also had a pretty interesting life, and critics have various opinions of her work.
First off, Dan Brown was born in Exeter, New Hampshire to Richard G. Brown, a mathematics teacher, and Connie Brown, a music professor. He was the eldest of three children and was raised as an Episcopalian. Since young, Brown …show more content…

Inspired by the simplicity of the prose and the efficiency with the storyline was dealt with, Brown resorted to switching to a writing career. To pursue writing professionally, Brown started working on ‘Digital Fortress’, his first thrilled-based novel. He quit teaching in 1996. Two years henceforth, in 1998 ‘Digital Fortress’ was released. Following years, in 2000 and 2001, Brown released his next two books, ‘Angels & Demons’ and ‘Deception Point’. It was in ‘Angels & Demons’ that Brown first introduced the lead character of Robert Langdon, a Harvard symbology expert. Both his books did medium business, selling lesser than 10,000 copies each. …show more content…

He played treasure hunt games played as a child during Christmas and holidays devised by his father lead him to inculcate the same in his own books. Chapter 23 of the ‘The Da Vinci Code’ was inspired by one of his childhood treasure hunts. Plus, characters in his books are often inspired from real life people. For instance, the protagonist for many of his novels, Robert Langdon is named after John Langdon. He was the artist who created the ambigrams used for the ‘Angels & Demons’ CD and novel.
( & ( Overall, Dan Brown brown is currently 52 years old and widely regarded as a very successful author. The literary works that he produced are relatable for everyone because he use both science and religion in unison. Other than his successful literacy works, Brown also lives a very interesting life. By his own doing, he implies mystery and wonder throughout both his work and personal life. All-in-all, Dan Brown is a very interesting and astounding author who lives and creates a life of wonder and mystery. To end things off, a quote by Dan Brown himself, “Everything is possible. The impossible just takes

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