NASA has never made a trip to Mars, but I don’t think the benefits of going to Mars will outweigh the risks. One of the reasons I don’t think we should go to Mars is because it would take eight months to get there. Yeah, it would be cool to be the first person on Mars but you are taking a lot of risks. That is just one of my three reasons I don’t think the benefits outweigh the risks.
First, When you go to Mars it is a very long flight. According to the text “Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death!” in paragraph 2 the author states “With current technology, the journey takes more than eight months each way” I think being in a spaceship for 8 months in such a small space could not only take a long time, but it would make you really tired. So, in my opinion, I don’t think that we should go to Mars because it would take you eight months to get there, also you would in such a small space in a spaceship.
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While you are on a spaceship for eight months not will it only be boring but it will be stressful. According to the text “Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death!” in paragraph 6 the author states “Boredom, it turns out, is a form of stress.” Also in the same text and paragraph, the author states “If your brain does not receive sufficient stimulus, it might find something else to do—it daydreams, it wanders, it thinks about itself. If this goes on too long, it can affect your mind’s normal functioning” So this is another risk of going to
Have you ever thought about exploring space? In the text “From Packing For Mars” they discuss some reasons why we shouldn’t spend valuable resources. Even though some people think that we should spend our valuable resources, I think that we shouldn’t.
In the story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl, irony plays a broad role in enhancing the impact of the story to make it more interesting. The title, “Lamb to the Slaughter” (p10) shows irony because the title indicates how when lambs are born, they are innocent and follow whatever their owner tells them to do and are slaughtered. Mrs. Maloney would be the Lamb whose heart is slaughtered by the news of her husband leaving her, but then she fights back and kills him with a leg of lamb which is ironic. Also, when she kills her husband whom, “She loved to luxuriate in the presence of” (p11), the irony of killing the man she loved was almost laughable. After Patrick is murdered, Mary puts on a little show for the grocer and then she returns
How much money do you think it will take to get to Mars? Is it worth the risk? Well it actually takes more than one trillion dollars to go to Mars. The risks are also very high, if you wanna know the risks keep on reading. It doesn’t even take that long to read. Anyway this essay is about why I think we should not make a home in space.
The trip is about eight months long and there is no natural source of water on Mars. There could be a disease on Mars that’s not on Earth and if someone gets it there are no doctors or medicine on Mars. One of the people could get hurt, for example, someone can receive a huge cut and die from loss of blood since there are no doctors on Mars. No one knows what will happen if you get a cut on mars the dust could infect the cut. Therefore people should not go to mars if they don’t know how dangerous it is.
Richard, an author for the website GOVTEEN Global Community, wrote an article briefly explaining why we as a nation, should not go to Mars. Some of the key points of his argument against going to Mars stressed that the financial cost would be too high, it would require several new spacecraft and ground habitats, and several new technologies that currently do not exist. He also was concerned about the budget cuts that have already stripped the National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA) to a shell of what the space program used to be. He also stressed that we are still in an armed conflict that has put a strain on our nation, economically and emotionally.
Ed Regis, in the article "let's Not Move to Mars" states: "crews members are in microgravity for the entire trip, with consequent health problems: your bone mass wastes away" (Regis). Additionally crew members will face mental illnesses. Ed Regis also in "Let's Not Move to Mars" states, " Persistent mechanical noises and vibrations, sleep disturbances, unbearable tedium, trance states, depression, monotonous repetition of meals, clothing, routines, conversations and so on" (Regis). Sending people to Mars would turn them mad before they even got there and would be useless.
To begin, it is really dangerous for the astronauts. In “Trip To Mars Could Damage Astronaut’s Brain” it states that in space atmosphere there are dangerous particles that could damage the brain. This is significant because the astronauts are going to be in space for a long time, which that can lead to the brain damage, and they could suffer from it for the rest of their lives. In “Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death” it states that the astronaut that are on the mission to Mars, could get get bored to point to die. This is important because boredom can lead to death, and the astronaut might forget a step or misread the gauge.
“Why We shouldn’t Go To MARS” by Gregg Easterbrook gives reasons for why going to Mars is a waste. On the contrary, “Remarks at the Dedication of the Aerospace Medical Health Center by JFK” by President John F. Kennedy demonstrates how there are many benefits of going to Mars. However, the Political Cartoon represents the amount of money being misspent for a hopeless mission. Twenty people have died going to space. Space exploration has taken away more than enough lives. One more life is not worth it. The sadness and grief that is felt when a family member is lost in space, is much more valuable than going to Mars. If the journey to Mars is the cause of deaths and injuries, it should definitely be avoided. There should be no doubts about saving lives! Ultimately, the space program is a waste of money and effort, so going to Mars should be an avoidable
The topic of going to mars is highly discussed among scholars and ordinary people due to the reason that it is believed that Mars can support human life. Due to the fact, that global warming is on the rise has caused many scientists to believe that eventually the earth’s ecosystem will plummet, making life on earth for humans impossible. Many scientists argue that extra research on mars is needed due to the fact that the human race would eventually be forced to migrate outside of earth, if there is to be a continuation of the human race. However, the funding for such research is immense as it is, and it is projected that this “budget will increase by 20% by the government within the next few years.” This astounding increase in budget, has led to many uncertainties as to why the government funds such an expensive research for humans to leave earth when that money could be spent on the problems relating to global warming. Here on earth it is a fact that global warming is a serious issue regarding the future of the planet. Therefore, the government funds should be allocated to research ways to emit less carbon dioxide or to try and find cleaner and safer ways to create energy for the growing human population. Another reason to stop funding the research and exploration of mars is that most space exploration is caused by human curiosity. Human curiosity has led multi-million dollar institutions like NASA to explore the deep wonders of the world and discover new technologies which changed the world. Despite, the curiosity and the technologies that exploring the universe has brought, this interest is extremely expensive and time consuming. At times the curiosity led space exploration projects were made to look like a patriotic act due to political reasons. As a result, these projects were believed to be well-worth spent since it brought great
Added to the economic costs to America, a venture to Mars causes substantial risk to the society. The environment and society are very important to human survival on Earth. Even though some people feel that exploring Mars may help understand the Earth better, and going to Mars will be a great scientific milestone, in my opinion exploring Mars is a bad idea. The atmosphere on Mars is about 100 times thinner than earth and it is not suitable for us to breath. It contains about 95% of carbon dioxide and little or no oxygen. This will make it very difficult for humans to survive there. Unlike Mars, which is not protected and is exposed to everything, the Earth is protected by the ozone layer. Exploring Mars will be dangerous to humans and very expensive to taxpayers. This will take years of planning and the mission will take years instead of days. The astronauts who go there may run out of oxygen and even fall sick. They will be unable to just return at any time. They have to wait until the earth aligns with Mars before they can return. All this could take months or even
However, I believe that humans should go to Mars; for the “The Mission to Mars” is beneficial to the advancement of astronomical exploration and the progression of technology.
We don’t know if there is a disease out in pace that could well be fatal. Being on a long trip to Mars could cause degeneration in muscles, bones, and your heart. Astronauts also need a bunch of exercise as well. Without it, he/she is likely to experience heart problems because it would be too weak to return to Earth’s gravity. Lastly, there is a LOT of radiation exposure in space. Gary Marin, director for advanced programs at the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration said, “Being away from the Earth for three years would mean every cell of your body would be transversed by a galactic ray, and we just don't know what that would do to people." All these health risks add up to an astronomical danger. We need to test how our body reacts to long trips in space before we take take the big leap for
By going to mars you could have nerve damage, getting blind and dementia, 16% of the loss of bone density, 40% muscle density not work. All these symptoms are a cause of getting people to travel to mars and that is something that we need to prevent from happening and until it is safe to travel, but right now it’s a no to going to mars. Sending robots are less dangerous than sending a human there is less risk because a robot is easier to feed, they are much easier to shield from radiation and could do things that a human could do. A robot is less cost for just sending one and a one-way trip and they don’t have to sleep only to recharge but is way easier than having a human in outer space than a
Should humans really risk leaving earth forever to colonize Mars? There are so many high death risks! Colonizing Mars could be dangerous and risky due to deadly dust storms, a sub zero average temperature, and radiation that could possibly kill you.
Edgar Allan Poe is one of the outstanding figures in American and world literature with all his works ranging from short stories to poems, and he is one of the leading names of American Romantic Movement within literature. He is mostly known with his fictional stories which include Gothic elements; therefore, such dark elements as death, diseases or loss of loved ones are common, many of which could be also observed the life of Poe himself. With his dark style of writing, Edgar Allan Poe is generally accepted as unique since he successfully combines both romantic tradition elements and mysterious and macabre patterns of the gothic elements, which makes him an impressionable writer (Peeples, 2004).