
Dangerous Behavior Research Paper

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It is commonly thought that teenagers are involved with dangerous and destructive behavior. Being a teenager myself, I cannot necessarily disagree with this, however one misconception is that access to condoms is essentially a free pass for kids to have intercourse and encourages other possible dangerous behaviors. I do not agree that this is true, as this can be interpreted different ways. Access to condoms allows for teens to use these safeguards in their lives. Many condom packages are labeled with what diseases and unwanted consequences can happen if a condom is not used. This by no means promotes teens or young adults to participate in other destructive behaviors, but does let them know that sexual intercourse can be dangerous if precautions …show more content…

Teaching abstinence as sexual education only deprives teens of very important knowledge they will need for the rest of their lives. Allowing teens to purchase condoms gives them the ability to be safe when doing such behavior. Prohibiting access to condoms would then cause for kids to have sex without the ability to be safe. Several teens will participate in some sort of sexual activity while they are young, and I believe allowing them to purchase condoms will allow them to stay safe while having these experiences. Teens will see this as a protectant from a potentially dangerous behavior rather than it being a gateway to more high-risk behavior. I firmly believe and informed decision maker is the best decision maker. When teens are informed of consequences, this can certainly deter them from doing bad behaviors or taking and precautions necessary. Condom packaging today has valuable information about what can happen if condoms are not used. This shows the teen that this kind of behavior has risks and should not be taken lightly. I feel this opens up the eyes of teens as to how risky behavior can impact the rest of their lives. I think this will cause teens to think more deeply about any actions they take and how it can have a negative impact on

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