What I Knew Before I Started: Fat. Ugly. WeIrd. Different. TALL. short. Freak. Some of the few words that go through peoples’ minds when they are judging others. What do I know about judging? Judging is something we all do, even if we don’t like to admit it. I wish that I didn’t judge others, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. The image that people portray to the public is what most people are going to judge them for. People judge based on looks, lifestyle, your house value, car worth, job description, the way you act. Do people actually have all the facts to judge others? If you judge someone, then you have given others the right to judge you, am I not correct? There is a difference between bullying and judging. The term “bullying” gets thrown around a great deal these days, and sometimes people use it as an excuse to the real issue they have. From the Bible, in Matthew 7:1, it says, “Do not judge.” However, in Matthew 7:2, it says, “ For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged.” So what does this mean? Does it in fact say to never judge others? This is only what I know so far, shall we dig deeper? What I Want To Find Out: What is the meaning of judging? Does it really say to never judge anyone? Is there such a thing as good or bad judging? What do people get out of judging others? What are the consequences of the way you portray yourself to others? When are we entitled to judge others? Are there different types of judging and how are they different?
One reason people are judged is because of fashion ( i.e jewish men wear yamaka, islamic men wear prayer robes, and arabic women wear face covers.)People see a piece of fashion that is different from what they are used to seeing and automatically judge because they are not subject to change or something that differentiates from things they are used to in their own
I believe what drives our judgement is the way people think of others. Today in this world, people are close minded and not open to new ideas. Society’s think that people who grew up from the bad side of town, they will get nowhere in life. We judge people for the way they look, what they wear, where they 're from, where they live, etc. We judge out of our own fears and insecurities. We must treat people the way the want to be treated, not by how you think they should be treated. When we judge someone, do we really know what goes on in their life. Also, still discriminate others to this day, such as, we still judge people based on their race. We have to treat people with equal rights no matter what race or ethnicity they are. We have qualities
“Judging a person does not define who you are. It defines who you are.” - Unknown. In the novel “The Wednesday Wars” by Gary D. Schmidt, all of the characters judge another at one point. I believe that Gary D. Schmidt is trying to tell the readers that judging a person too quickly is wrong. For example, Holling judges Mrs Baker by thinking that she hates him.
When is passing judgment on others wrong? If we keep it to ourselves and do not speak it
Those judgements can determine how a person can react in a given situation. As a black person, I still fear other blacks based off of how they look and act. Does this put me in the wrong for judging someone that I don’t know? I, myself, cannot answer that question no matter how much I think about it. Won’t it come down to the question of how much prejudice is too much prejudice?
“None of us can meet God’s standard. As a result, none of us deserve to don the robe and stand behind the bench and judge others.” (MaxLucado39) Christians have a hard time abstaining from a judgemental mindset, but that is not always the case. Non-believers have a tendency to show their judgemental side by just saying that “Christians are always judging me.” whenever a Christian may approach a certain non-believer. This is one of the reasons that Christians are considered flat characters rather to the approach of flat characters becoming round. Christians are perceived as one dimensional and hypocritical but in all honesty Christians are striving to become a picture of Jesus Christ.
Because of this, judgement is best kept to yourself due to its subjectiveness. By being judgmental, you are over-simplifying a person’s own experiences, emotions, troubles, everything that makes humans the complex being that we are and condensing them into one’s own simplistic narrative. I believe that judging others is a bad process to do to others but most importantly it affects one’s own well-being. If I were to be judgmental, I would completely change how I acted. It would turn me into a narrow-minded, bitter version of
Finally I see judgement with my best friend. She has downs syndrome and because of that everyone looks at her differently. But once you get to know her she is the most beautiful person on the inside and out. She would give a person the shirt off her back if they needed it. But since she looks different due to her disease everyone does not treat her like she's a normal person and I have seen her get discouraged multiple times over
False judgment leads to crazy notions. It creates false ideas and opinions. Judgment stretches or condemns the truth to be less that it is. In Barbara Kingsolver's novel, The Poisonwood Bible, many characters judge others based upon preconceived stereotypes. 'Judgment is always influenced by stereotypes and causes false feelings'.
No matter how open-minded a person may claim to be, everyone makes presumptions on first impressions or rumors. Despite seeing someone for only a split second, people make assumptions about others’ attitude, personality, and character! Usually, people tend to notice things that they feel are grounds to pass judgment upon. The quote “ You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it” by Harper Lee is a quote that truly signifies how people should perceive others. Rather than judging someone, people should place themselves in their shoes and try to understand their way of thinking
Why do we judge if we do not want be judged? Everyone does it without thinking about it, it is natural for us to judge people by what they look like or how they talk. If no one want to be judged why do we do it? I believe in keeping an open mind about everyone. Meaning not making assumptions before knowing the person.
I have judged people in the past before, it was when I lived back in Maine. It was the first day of 7th grade and the first day at the high school for 7th graders. My friends and I were standing outside in the back area of the school, just standing around talking about what happened over the summer. Then, the group of girls walked outside the doors and all just huddled up around each other talking and looking at everybody else who was outside. I knew some of the girls there, I used to be friends with them, but then school ends, summer starts and people go their separate ways. As soon as I saw the group of girls, I immediately assumed that they were going to be the popular clique and judge basically everybody at the school. I also assumed that
Judging someone by their cover seems like something we would never do. Yet, we seem to do it without a care. In fact, in the book To Kill a Mockingbird; there are many characters that without knowing actually made judgement. There are many judgements drawn towards the main character Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson. They judge Boo on the way he lives.
Judgement — No matter how anyone tries to deny it, humans judge anything and everything. Most of us know, consciously, that judging other people is wrong and unfair. But judgement is something that is ingrained so far into the human character, that it has become subconscious. Maybe the reason for this is society’s standards, or maybe humans naturally judge everything. Don't lie — when you see a “fat” lady at the grocery store, your first thought is that she should take care of herself and lose some weight, for Christ’s sake! Then, most fair people will realize that this isn't a fair thing to say, as you don't know that person’s story. Maybe she has been struggling with her weight for her whole life, or maybe she recently lost a loved one and is overeating to hide from the pain, or maybe she has been taking depression medication and it's making her gain weight. Thank goodness for the people who realize that their immediate judgement is wrong. Still, it's your first instinct, isn't it?
The word “judgment” can have multiple definitions; however, for the purpose of this essay, the Dictionary.com definition is referred to. Judgment defined by Dictionary.com is the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing. Therefore, judgements form when an individual compares their definition of what is acceptable to that of the person they are analyzing. Using this type of judgement, an individual can quickly form a surface based opinion about an individual and determine whether