I'm lying in an alley somewhere I don't know without any way to get home. I suppose it's a good thing though, if I had a car it would have got stolen by the dudes who jumped me. Looking back on it, I probably shouldn't have talked to Darcy. I know, what does Darcy have to do with this. The answer is everything. Her honey colored eyes that always seemed to be freezing cold despite their color are what drew me to her. Her sharp wit and bitter rejection kept me interested. Her kind heart made me love her. It wasn't all good though, she cost me everything except my life, which is now debatable. She was a temptress despite of her innocent facade. Pedro and Tamara saw that way before I did, maybe I should have listened. Then again they aren't exactly
Dr. Hastings runs over and sedates Wilbur again. Wilbur falls back asleep. There is a buzzing on Dr. Hastings phone. DR. HASTINGS Ugh!
Twenty years ago Jimmy Wells wanted to meet me at this place twenty years from now. Now he has caught me because he knew I was a thief .
Inspector Male, I just wanted to reach out and let you know the amazing efforts of Andrew Crowe and Greg MacArthur on Monday December 28th. Sorry for the long winded e-mail but I think it’s necessary.
Max Heartfield, his mother, Mrs. Alexis Heartfield, and his brother Jason Heartfield live in a nice brick Tudor, on 768 Lakewood Drive in Atlanta, Georgia. Max was a regular nine year old boy. He went to school, had friends, and most of all he had his best friend Oliver Hunter living next door to him. Life couldn’t be better.
Greenville. Even the name sounds innocent. Or at least innocent enough to fool people. But look a bit closer, everything isn't as it seems. And if you look close enough you can see the demons hiding in the shadows.
name is Phoebe Caulfield, and I live in New York City with my parents, Mr. And Mrs. Caulfield. I am 10 years old, and have two brothers, Holden and D.B. My brother, Allie, died of leukemia three years ago. Holden was expelled from Pencey Prep school, which isn't a surprise at all because Holden hates school, and is always getting expelled, which makes my parents extremely angry every single time. Meanwhile, D.B is in Hollywood writing short stories for Hollywood movies.
The faint echo of screams. The crunching of leaves under footsteps, getting faster with every exhale. A drum, beating from within. Thoughts clouded with realisation of the truth and the lies which have prevented it from surfacing amongst the chaos. The girls are all frauds! Murderers!
“How come y’all ain’t scared of us like you were Dally?” Johnny said. He had that scared look in his eyes, that told me he’d been badly hurt, but I could only tell because I had that same look for weeks after my mother died. I sighed, “You two are too sweet to scare anyone. First of all, you didn’t join in Dallas’s dirty talk, and you made him leave us alone. And when we asked you to sit up here with us, you didn't act like it was an invitation to make out for the night. Besides that, I’ve heard about Dallas Winston, and he looked as hard as nails and twice as tough. And you two don’t look mean.”
Earlier yesterday I received a message from a beautiful 22 year-old girl who also has Treacher Collins Syndrome - a craniofacial disorder. She writes me and says: "Hi Cynthia, I hope you are doing well; I would like to know if you think that men really pay attention to the details of a girl's history of intimate partners; I guess that I am really asking if you think a man would mind that I have never been in relationship?"
Ralph never should have been made chief. He does not let anyone have fun. All he does is boss us around. Thank god I left his tribe. Now I have my hunters who obey my every command. Now I have the respect I deserve. I am built to be a chief. I am strong, confident, assertive, and I don’t let feelings get in the way. And Ralph thinks he can come to my side of the island? No way. I am in charge here and he needs to leave. How dare he call me a thief in front of my hunters? Who cares if Piggy needs his specs. That fatty does nothing all day so there is no use for his glasses. That so called “chief” can’t even fight well. Ralph deserves a good beating for constantly going up against me. He thinks he is better than me just because of that stupid
His deep wrinkles carved a map of his life. His galaxy-blue eyes were jaded. His skin was time ravaged. He was my grandfather. I watched from the balcony, his trying to pick up his home key from the ground.
Everyone fears the thought of being left alone with something that scares you. But there is one thing that should truly scare you. The one, that knows all of your worst fears. That remembers things; that you’ve been trying to forget. That remembers all the bad things you’ve done.
Name piper aren't as close as we used to be, she used to be my best friend forever and ever but she betrayed me. She talk behind my back and said very rude stuff to me and never ever had my back. She was always weird and she never had the best interest in heart for me like I did for her.
I couldn’t sleep for shit. Its 8 in the morning on a fucking Saturday and these damn kids always running around keeping up noise and shit. Ever since I moved back in with my damn momma its been hell. I should’ve never started fucking with Anthony’s ass and stuck with Trey.
Let me ask you few questions. Are you leaving your love live up to fate and hoping to be approached? Let me tell you the truth. Unless you were Brat Pitt's twin brother, or at least as cute as Jack (yes --- you're right. That Jake from Brokeback Mountain guy with a lick-able mole) you won't get much!