
Darletta Strothers: Breast Cancer Survivor

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We are faced with diseases that attack our body's fighting mechanism each day. Millions suffer with diabetes, cancer, and heart disease each year by far. The CDC reports that heart disease is the number one leading killer among cancer and diabetes, due to the lack of diet and exercise, though cancer is steadily rising and coming in at number two. Darletta Strothers, a breast cancer survivor is now living to tell her story of a holistic vegan diet that saved her life, after being diagnosed with stage three cancer in 2014. Leaving Winship Cancer Institute in disbelief, she vowed to fight, to live, and beat breast cancer!
Against her oncologist's recommendations, she refused to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Strothers experienced the god- awful sickness of chemotherapy, after witnessing her brother go through it. Strothers said, " I will not take chemo or radiation, and have my family watch me wither away." She began research on alternative …show more content…

Darletta and her husband along with her children, sat down and discussed the options she wanted to take. Her family was supportive of her decision, as well as financially. She and her husband used their 401K to help with the cost of treatment. "By this time, I was desperate,” Strothers said. After careful research and much prayer, Baja Mexico would be her place of residence for the next month. Strothers had been a big vegetable junkie since she was a kid, but raw vegetables were a bit different. She ate meat, dairy products, and sugars, but mentally it was easier for her to fall in line with letting her old eating habits die. Strothers followed a 30-day cleanse, consuming vegetable broth and fruit juices, along with a lot of herbal teas. After the cleanse, she started the raw vegan diet. "All I ate was an 85 percent raw vegan diet," Strothers said. She still follows this diet

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