We are faced with diseases that attack our body's fighting mechanism each day. Millions suffer with diabetes, cancer, and heart disease each year by far. The CDC reports that heart disease is the number one leading killer among cancer and diabetes, due to the lack of diet and exercise, though cancer is steadily rising and coming in at number two. Darletta Strothers, a breast cancer survivor is now living to tell her story of a holistic vegan diet that saved her life, after being diagnosed with stage three cancer in 2014. Leaving Winship Cancer Institute in disbelief, she vowed to fight, to live, and beat breast cancer!
Against her oncologist's recommendations, she refused to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Strothers experienced the god- awful sickness of chemotherapy, after witnessing her brother go through it. Strothers said, " I will not take chemo or radiation, and have my family watch me wither away." She began research on alternative
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Darletta and her husband along with her children, sat down and discussed the options she wanted to take. Her family was supportive of her decision, as well as financially. She and her husband used their 401K to help with the cost of treatment. "By this time, I was desperate,” Strothers said. After careful research and much prayer, Baja Mexico would be her place of residence for the next month. Strothers had been a big vegetable junkie since she was a kid, but raw vegetables were a bit different. She ate meat, dairy products, and sugars, but mentally it was easier for her to fall in line with letting her old eating habits die. Strothers followed a 30-day cleanse, consuming vegetable broth and fruit juices, along with a lot of herbal teas. After the cleanse, she started the raw vegan diet. "All I ate was an 85 percent raw vegan diet," Strothers said. She still follows this diet
She died a few months later after doctors believed her treatments to be a success despite Lacks complaints of pain. During, this era doctors believed they always knew best and her complaints were ignored until it was too late and her cancer spread to her entire
While Season felt completely broken-down, she knew that she had no choice but to bring her background in nutrition to her own home. To build Kicker’s immunity Season implemented The Ketogenic Diet. The human body produces cancerous cells daily, so building a strong immunity is imperative when fighting off cancer cells and the harsh chemicals from treatment. The Ketogenic Diet is a new cancer treatment, which is free, with virtually no side effects. It can also be conjoined with other cancer treatments. The diet involves cutting carbohydrates, beginning with the worst carbohydrate of all, sugar (Johnson L, 2013). It is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which are then transported around the body. However, if there are little carbohydrates in the diet then the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. Ketone bodies are water molecules that are produced when the body is consuming very little food, which mimics fasting. Cancer is an obligate glucose metabolizer because it fuels on sugar. One’s normal cells have the metabolic flexibility to adapt from saving glucose by using ketone bodies (Johnson S, 2014). This addressed that because cancer
Working with some of the finest writing in the field editor Gene Stone has drawn on the works of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who is an advocate of a major change to a plant-based, vegan lifestyle. His research has shown that many problems that traditional medicine had considered solvable with traditional means (drugs, pills, shots) can be treated with more activity - yes a change in lifestyle on the patient's part - as well as a move
The documentary I decided to analyze was “Forks Over Knives”, by Lee Fulkerson. This documentary is about food choices you make every day, and how it can affect your health long-term and short-term, whether it be disease or nausea. Nutritional scientist T. Colin Campbell and surgeon Dr. Caldwell B.Esselstyn combine their decades of research and studies in hopes of simplifying the complexities and the benefits of a plant-based diet; such as preventing and even reversing heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. This film was made to promote plant-based diets, argue that animal-based diets are bad for our health, and address the issues of diets and diseases that aren’t being given attention
Joel Fuhrman, the author of ‘Eat to live and the End of Diabetes’, who checks the participant’s physical well-being and blood tests. At the beginning of the film, all participants depict high chances of developing lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and obesity due to increased cholesterol and blood pressure. Wolfson engages other professionals who understand the vegan diet to assist the participants in bettering their health.
Carol Baker is a two time breast cancer survivor, and now has mission to take full control of her health. She is the only person that she know that had some type of cancer. She wants to inspire others who has cancer even if it's not breast cancer. She is filled with passion and love after surviving an illness that is sometimes not able to be cured. For the past two months, Baker has been working with personal trainer, wellness coach and nutrition counselor Russ Scales.
While these are high probabilities of treating the cancer, the quality of life afterward is still questionable. For instance, unintentional maleficence exists from the chemotherapy. A study by John Radford claims that “survivors of Hodgkin’s lymphoma are at substantial risk for one or more second cancers”. While chemotherapy is effective at treating lymphoma, it also seems to lead to a higher risk for a second cancer, and that cancer may need more chemotherapy. By Cassandra being forced to undergo treatment for her lymphoma she is also, inadvertently, getting this higher risk for more cancer later in her life. Moreover, Cassandra also faces the unwanted side effects of chemotherapy:“hair loss, mouth sores, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, increased chance of infections, easy bruising or bleeding, fatigue”. Not only is the chemotherapy not wanted, but it also comes with steep side effects that she must live with; the consequences of the involuntary treatment outweigh the chance that a person may survive - it is more important to respect a patient’s autonomy than to pursue a minimal, unwanted, questionable beneficence. A recent study reported on by Zosia Chustecka found that even eight years after the chemotherapy, “high-level fatigue was common”. Post chemotherapy there are changes that impact the quality of life of the
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. Maya Angelou, Letter to My Daughter “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” is a famous quote from Maya Angelou in her book “Letter to My Daughter.” This quote is arguably true. There are many circumstances that people come into face with, some are controllable while others are way out of control.
In John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Milton narrates the story of Adam and Eve, but on a deeper level, figuring out the motives, feelings, and emotions of each character while also introducing the story of Satan/Lucifer and all of his complexities. At the same time Milton gives the story a twist when he relates how sin and death is brought into the human world. Greek Mythology gives a similar anecdote which compares with John Milton’s story very much: the story of Pandora and Epimetheus. “Pandora’s Box” also relates the story of how evil sprits came upon the world thorough Pandora’s disobedience. Pandora and Epimetheus mythogical narrative and John Milton’s timeless interpretation of Adam and Eve mirror each other in many ways while also
Cancer is figured to be the second leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. With approximately 14 million new cases and 8.2 million cancer related deaths in 2012, alone .Why are so many people stuck suffering with this deadly disease? Millions of dollars have been invested into cancer research, yet there is no cure. Are these pharmaceutical companies focus on finding a cure for cancer or concentrating on elongated treatments in order to lengthen their pockets? We must first understand that cancer is big business earning huge profits. Nonetheless, the cancer industry is spending virtually zilch of its multi-billion dollar resources on effective prevention strategies, like dietary guidelines, exercise, natural remedies and herbs proven to cure cancer. Instead, it pours its money into treating cancer, not preventing or allaying it.
Every year, 1.2 million people are diagnosed with cancer and more than 500,000 people die from the disease. According to the National Cancer Institute, over 30% of these deaths can be attributed to diet. This means that the average person can greatly lower his risk of getting cancer simply by changing his diet. There is, of course, no guarantee against cancer, but the lifestyle choices that we make now can have a huge impact on our lives in the future. (http://www.aicr.org/expert1.htm)
“As humans, we should already be eating foods that are similar to a person that has been prescribed a cancer diet” (Lee).
Identity is fragile and is a characteristic that every person must discover without hiding behind inexperience’s and excluding themselves from the outside world of reality or else their own personal bell jar will suffocate them alive. The Bell Jar, a semi-autobiographical novel written by Sylvia Plath portrays how a young woman with too many identities and unrealistic expectations overwhelms herself to the point that she contemplates and attempts suicide multiple times. Esther Greenwood, a young college student struggles to find her identity as she hides behind her good grades and scholarships, denies rejection, tries to seek a man only for intimacy, and all while trying to become a famous poet. Unbeknownst to Esther, the absence of her true identity presents the majority of her problems in her life, in her developing poetry and writing career, and more importantly, her sanity. Esther focuses too much of her energy on what she does not like about her life instead of the positive things her life possesses, causing the bell jar to shut out reality completely.
Some health benefits that come along with being a vegan include: lower cholesterol levels, higher energy levels, weight loss, and even a longer life. After just two weeks on a low-fat vegan diet, most people lose weight and feel more energized. Other physical benefits that come along with this lifestyle are healthy skin, reduction of body odor, healthier hair and nails, elimination of bad breath, alleviation of allergies, and relief from migraines. (57 Health) Through eating a healthy, disciplined, vegan diet and having higher levels of essential vitamins, minerals and proteins many popular diseases amongst people can be avoided such as cardiovascular disease, type two diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, and even certain types of cancer. Heart disease has been successfully reversed through programs that include an exclusive vegan diet. Dedicated to their work, Dr. Dean Ornish, the founder and president of the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, the president of the American Association of Endocrine Surgeons both utilize the vegan diet in
Through multicultural education we receive a reward, a unique opportunity to effectively alter the opinions of individuals. Studies demonstrate the effects of these courses and while the subjects of this research are often college students, these effects are easily generalizable to the rest of the population. Although this generalizability is there, one can understand why it is the most effective to begin with college age students. Many laud this as a critical point in development for most young adults. It is a time where students are at a higher level of learning, while critical thinking and personal challenge is at a poignant high. This period in life and development is difficult to duplicate and for this reason this is the perfect place to implement this form of education and begin changing the underlying racist and sexist thought processes that support biased systems. By taking advantage of this, we will equalize the understanding of future generations and create a system where multicultural education is no longer necessary as they will teach the generations to come after them.