
Darley And Bibb Latane Experiment

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John M. Darley and Bibb Latané conducted a social experiment that they titled the "Bystander Intervention in Emergencies: Diffusion of Responsibility" experiment. The purpose of this study was to see how quickly bystanders would respond to an emergency to provide aid. Also studied was how different factors like the number of other bystanders would influence how quickly people responded to the emergency. Darley and Latané's hypothesis was that the more bystanders to an emergency, the less likely, or the more slowly, any one bystander will intervene to provide aid (Darley & Latané, p. 377). The study was conducted using college students. Fifty-nine female and thirteen male students in introductory psychology courses at New York University …show more content…

According to the hypothesis, the number of bystanders that the subject perceived to be present would have a major effect on the likelihood with which they would report the emergency. This was true. Eighty-five percent of the subjects who thought they alone knew of the victim's plight reported the seizure before the victim was cut off, only 31% of those who thought four other bystanders were present did so (Darley & Latané, p. …show more content…

First, the study not only measured the speed at which the participants responded to the emergency, they also factored in other variables that might have affected the outcome. With the results they received from the participants, they ran different variations as mentioned in the previous paragraph that had to do with the gender of the participants, the medical competence of the participants, and even the personality of the participants to see what might affect the participant's response to the emergency. It was smart to include all these smaller, but potentially significant, variables that might affect the outcome. Second, the procedure of the experiment was well thought through. They managed to find a way to isolate the participants so that they were only vaguely aware of the others who were aware of the emergency and remove the experimenter from the room so that the "seizure" was perceived as real. The procedure was effective in producing the results that were needed for this

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