
Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon

Decent Essays

The Maltese Falcon (John Huston 1941) based on Dashiell Hammett's novel of the same name is a classic film known for its genre. As a first time viewer of the genre, film noir, I was not sure what to expect but was startled by the surprises entwined throughout the entire film. The femme fatale lures Miles Archer to his death and brings nothing but trouble for Sam Spade. But with any film there will always be monotonous scenes, Spade perpetrated that he knew everything from knowing a lie to knowing when someone was carrying a weapon even with a thick coat covering it. I did not believe that someone could know that much and had a hard time buying his character because of this. The film is in linear structure beginning with Brigid O’Shaughnessy

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