
Data Collection And Analysis : Analysis

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Data Collection and Analysis Raw data obtained over 8 weeks from The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (Overall & Gorham, 1988) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Assertive Community Treatment model in the decrease of psychiatric symptoms. Data collection started at the intake session where the intern was present and able to obtain information regarding the suitability of the client for a single subject design. No BPRS data was obtained at the intake. BPRS data collection started two days following intake, at the client’s psychiatric evaluation. The purpose and nature of the study was explained to the client. The client provided verbal consent which was deemed suitable by the intern supervisor to be adequate as observations of client behavior are within the scope of a typical wellness check. A Z-score analysis was used to further interpret the composite scores from the BPRS data. In addition to raw data collection, the intern also completed traditional CTT check-ins that included discussion of progress and/or other events that may have occurred over the given week as well as medication compliance and efficacy. This ensured client was receiving treatment as usual and allowed the intern to account for events that may have influenced internal validity. The periods of data collection occurred on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons in the client’s home, during standard CTT therapeutic visits. CTT interventions remained the same over the course of data collection

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