
Daughter Of The Nile Road Symbolism

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There are three key symbols in Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. Such as the Lotus flower, the Nile river, and the ring. That is, the Lotus flower foreshadows that something remarkable might occur in the book. Moreover, the flower is a water plant and Mara is known as the daughter of the Nile at the beginning of the novel because she is born to save Egypt. Likewise, when the floret blooms from a bud to an actual flower, the blue-eyed one also blooms from being a slave to a countess. Also, the protagonist has a lot of unique characteristics that no other 17-year old has. “‘It is the little interpreter who has saved Egypt and me this night’ (275),” says King Thutmose. Identically, the Nile river is also

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