
David Chotjewitz's Daniel Half Human And The Good Nazi

Decent Essays

Daniel Half Human and the Good Nazi is a novel written by David Chotjewitz. The book was originally written in German, but was translated by Doris Orgel. The story takes place in the early 1930’s and builds up towards World War Two, The author switches between two points of view of the main character, Daniel. The points of view are Daniel as a child in Hamburg, Germany. The other view is when he is an American soldier walking through Hamburg after World War Two. As a child Daniel and his best friend Armin aspired to be part of the Hitler youth. The Hitler youth was the youth organization of the Nazi Party in Germany. Its origins dated back to 1922. The Hitler Youth’s purpose was to teach young children the values of the Nazi party. However, when …show more content…

Daniel now declares himself as only half human and he too will be in danger. This news devastates Daniel especially because his best friend can still join the Hitler Youth. Throughout the next couple of years of Daniel’s life Jewish people start getting treated awfully. Although the teenager can still go to the same school he and his family are hated by the surrounding community. While Daniel and his family struggle not only financially but also with their safety, Armin is ranking up in the youth. Armin starts secretly dating daniel’s cousin, Miriam. He is then caught by his Youth leader Blohm. Blohm is furious with Armin because Miriam is a Jew as is Daniel. This is when Armin is forced to chose between himself or his friends. That night Blohm and some other members of the SA raid Daniel’s house in search of him and Miriam. Fortunately they escape in time. In the next couple months Reichard (Daniel’s Father) decides that it would be safer to leave Germany. So in late 1939 Daniel’s family leaves on a ship to Cuba. The Author then switches back to Daniel’s first person point of view as an American soldier. Daniel’s job is an interpreter and during his time in Hamburg he is interviewing German soldiers. Suddenly a German

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