
David Frock

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David Frock continually strives to make an substantial impact on local, national, and global communities. David Frock has displayed his positive influence through his participation in the development of Clemson’s first OWL ( Organizational Leadership and Wellness) program. The Organizational Leadership and Wellness (OWL) program assists in helping students formulate and effectively accomplish the visions they have for their communities. The program consists of grant writing education, provides knowledgeable community leaders as mentors, and emphasizes the importance of overall wellness. Within the OWL program, David Frock conveyed his ability to ignite the confidence of students concerning the impact they have on their communities inside and outside of their college experience.

As a participate of the OWL program, I witnessed David’s willingness to assist in helping my community program expand. David’s contribution within the OWL program succeeded in spreading the importance of civic engagement through supporting student developed community programs. Through the OWL program, students are equip with resources to advocate for issues such as minority health disparities, childhood obesity, and education gaps.The viewing of David …show more content…

As a young professional, I hope to integrate my passion for service within my career in a similar capacity as David Frock. One program that David has committed to is called Lemonade Day. Lemonde Day is a free national program aimed at improving the confidence of children concerning their ability to run businesses, manage finances, and work hard to give back to their communities. The model of Lemonade Day is catered around communities investing in the future of children. Worldwide, the program has been proven to improve children’s understanding of personal responsibility, communication skills, self-esteem, and sense of

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