
David Tavares

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Having the chance to hear David Tavares speak granted me as a social work student the ability to listen and process what life is like as a client and hear firsthand the factor that may have led to his incarceration and the programs that helped him maintain his resiliency to succumbing to the violence of his environment. This paper will address some of the key subjects that David discussed and how this relates to what we have learned in class and applying this knowledge to when I graduate.
Social workers have and will continue to have a relationship with people who commit violence. Most violent offenders were either witnesses to violence or victims of violence growing up. This was talked about by David where he would witness his father hit …show more content…

These programs serve to try deterring people from using violence by creating a form of punishment to make it so individuals will not choose the same behavior. This form of punishment does not work and as explained by David can cause people to become more violent through incarceration. Rehabilitation programs attempt to teach a violent offender new skills to avoid using violence in the future, and as exhibited by David the furthering of education while in the correctional system helped make him a person that did not resort to the same type of behaviors that had led to his incarceration. Community re-integration programs are beneficial to offenders being prepared for release, this helps them prepare for the end of their sentence and gives the offender a chance to establish some aftercare programs instead of just getting released with no services which would almost certainly lead to …show more content…

As is David’s case he was ordered by the court to have no contact with his victim’s family. This seems to prevent closure for David and does not let allow him to show the positive changes he made in his life. David had no prior knowledge of his victim his case was an example of wrong place at the wrong time, while under the influence of substances. The court attempts to protect the victims of abuse by not allowing perpetrators to have contact, but victim-offender mediation has been an effective program that benefits both

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