
Day Care Informative Essay

Decent Essays

Day care in today’s society is viewed as a negative thing from the portrayal of these institutions in the news, in papers and with the use of social media. With videos of abuse taking place in the institutions we send our children, it is no wonder they have such a bad rep. Day care centers are essential to working parents, who do not have the luxury of staying at home. Whether it is an home-based or center-based day care, the care a child receives can and will have an impact. In the discussion of the impact of daycare on the cognitive and psychosocial development of babies, one controversial issue has been that the more a baby spends in daycare the more issues it will have on their behavior in the future. On one hand researchers argues that …show more content…

When choosing to send a child day care you have to think about the type of learning you want them to receive, the type of environment you want them in, and the people which you are leaving your child with. According to Berger (2014), “Social learning is considered an extension of behaviorism. According to that theory, people model themselves after people they perceive to be nurturing, powerful, and yet similar to themselves” (p. 293). So if a baby has positive influence such as a care provider who was kind and loving, they will pick up those traits, rather than if they had a negative one and learned to act out and curse. Babies adjust themselves to the people they are around in their lives and the behavior they see. The person caring for our children have as much of an impact as the parents. Day care is where babies typically spend most of their day, therefore being in daycare will affect their development by picking up the behaviors of the children around, as well as the caregivers. With babies in child care facilities, it aid in the developmental skills such as: language development, information processing, and emotional development. I think when choosing a daycare quality over quantity matters most. While working parents rely on daycare, they cannot always afford the best one so they have to choose a daycare

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