In general, the first operational year of any business can be stressful and a bit perplexing. In most circumstances, the first year for any new daycare center will be a period of low enrollment. This means we may be facing insufficient income to meet your expenses. Yet, the budget had not taken into consideration any potential loss in the income that might happen. Nevertheless, according to the loss scenario, we face a significant loss in the income about 44,740$ less than the anticipated income, which causing a shortage in the budget about 18,452$ less than the anticipated spending. Eventually, this shortage in the income would certainly has a significant effect on the cash flow for the rest of the year. Indeed, if the administrator does not
The community experience that I will be focusing on for this part is NWCC daycare. The age range of the children at NWCC Daycare are 13 months to 5 years old. The two Piaget stages of development that were present in most of the children at the daycare are sensorimotor and preoperational. The three Erikson’s stages of development that were present in the children at the daycare are trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, and initiative vs. guilt.
It is the decision of this Foster Boarding Home Replacement Review Officer that foster child, Azzore Spruill, is not returned to the foster home of Shanikqua Glenn.
There are key constituents to the daycare profession. But, the ability to remain in business will be dictated by a system that store information
Donations- Although Youngcare is financial strong, recording a net surplus in financial year 12, revenue growth has decreased slightly. This is a significant issue for Youngcare as within its strategic plan it aims to open upon many facilities around the country and will require funding to achieve this; if revenue does not improve Youngcare will have going-concern issues.
In a regular day to day basis businesses must face a great deal of external and internal forces. Businesses have many different aspects of external and internal forces they must face in order to be successful. External forces, internal forces and trends continually make the pathway for where a business is headed and where a business stands currently. Organizations should do a SWOTT analysis to examine business potential and business risks so that if any action needs to be conducted it can be done before any unwanted events occur within the business (Robinson, Pearce, 2004). United Daycare has several forces and trends that potentially affect the overall business. Nevertheless, in order for any business to function properly the business
This business plan will explain the opportunity and the business case for starting and operating our new independent day care facility, and details the need for $75,000 in investment capital in order to properly fund the operations and provide an attractive return to investors.
Although there will be an inevitable exposure to liabilities, there are ways to decrease the amount. Some liabilities observably entail issues such as injuries to a child while attending the daycare. These liabilities can be minimized through the legal structure of the daycare and also how organized the operation is arranged, purchasing liability insurance when licensing the daycare, and making the daycare clear of any objects which may result in injury. Fortunately, there are also three other types of liability options to explore:
The three programs I chose to analyze were the transportation program, the Day Away program, and the Stepping on program.
Poverty remains a topic of discussion of every political debate, and the focus of many politicians and public health activists. Yet, thirty seven million Americans still live below the official poverty level.1 With a focus of work, when exploring the topic of poverty, three types can be identified: the unemployed, the working poor, and those not in the labor market (people with disabilities and retired seniors). In order to cut poverty in half, jobs need to be made available, work must pay, reduction of obstacles to work, and a need to help seniors and adults with disabilities.2 One very large and influential obstacle preventing work, is childcare. By expanding assistance and access to childcare for low-income families, we not only promote
The labor force of the United States has changed drastically over the last forty years. According to the Department of Labor, in 2012, 64% of woman with children under the age of six are in the labor force. While only 34% of mothers were working in 1970 (Gullekson, Griffeth, Vancouver, Kovner, & Cohen, 2014). Furthermore, in 1974, 80% of kids under the age 17 were cared for by a parent (Morrissey & Warne, 2011). Given this dramatic increase of mothers in the workforce, there is a considerable amount of time missed by the working parent. On average, American working parents miss nine days of work per year and that number increases to thirteen as the child moves through daycare and into elementary school. Breakdowns in childcare cost businesses three billion dollars annually (Shellenback, 2004). Given these staggering numbers the demand for reliable and affordable childcare has never been bigger.
In the early `970’s, the field of early care and education might have been characterized by the slogan “We believe more than we can prove.” Although it’s still incomplete, we now have a solid base of information. We know understand that to have a quality child care program, it must include high quality educational experiences. We understand that must include comprehensive services, family engagement, and collaboration as children transition across settings. Research clearly indicates that highly skilled and well-compensated teachers with specialized knowledge make a difference for child outcomes and program quality ( Martin, 1988). These leaders must strive to become a lifelong learners; Fullan (2003) believe that no one will put trust into
I believe that in order to have a nice running daycare I am going to have to work on telling people no. No matter how much it hurts in side in order for me to be successful I am going to have to open my mouth and speak on what I believe is right. So for now on I am willing to work on this. If I don’t feel like doing something for someone or if someone wants something done at last min I am going to work on telling them no maybe next time I can help if you tell me in advance or
When families need child care for their children, it is important they get the child care that they need. Children who have spent more time in a child care have results from their experience. They will more likely show results including better math and reading scores, and social skills as well.
In an area where so many households require two incomes in order to survive, child care has become a necessity. Unfortunately, there are many issues within the daycare structure that impair parent’s ability to go to work, or forces parents to take time off they cannot afford. The parents who are unable to work because the cost of daycare is too expensive that face issues with gaps in their employment history, which reduces their future ability to be hired and the pay rate they will receive. Parents who end their children to day care, but the day care does not cover all of the hours needed face the issue of missing work, therefore making a bad impression upon their employer. The Daycare system needs to be more affordable and offer more hours in order to be a greater benefit to families.
The day-care center will save and make the company money. The day-care center will keep money inside the company.